群里有位同仁提出他有一个DATASNAP远程方法超过了32个参数,然后DELPHI编译通不过,提示方法参数不能超过32个,问怎么办?于是群内同仁纷纷出主意,我说用OLEVARINAT数组,有人说用RECORD,我又说别说用RECORD,连自定义的类也是可以的.于是我想到了实现,用SUPEROBJECT序列RECORD或者CLASS为JSON的字符串挺方便的,中间件收到客户端传来的JSON字符串再还原为RECORD或者CLASS. unit Unit1; interface uses…
当我们的项目代码过大时,编译运行时会报Unable to execute dex: method ID not in[0, 0xffff]: 65536)错误.当出现这个错误时说明你本身自己的工程代码中含有的太多的方法,或者你的工程lib文件夹下引用的第三方插件jar包有太多的方法,这两者的方法加起来已经超过了65536这个数目.而谷歌规定单个dex文件中的方法不能超过65536的限制. 那么这个时候,我们就需要分包处理解决.一般情况下的解决方案就是把整个项目工程包括jar,区分开来分解成两个d…
Building Apps with Connectivity & the Cloud These classes teach you how to connect your app to the world beyond the user's device. You'll learn how to connect to other devices in the area, connect to the Internet, backup and sync your app's data, and…
注:本文内容来自:https://developer.android.com/training/building-wearables.html 翻译水平有限,如有疏漏,欢迎批评指教. 译:山人 建立可穿戴设备的应用 Building Apps for Wearables These classes teach you how to build notifications in a handheld app that are automatically synced to wearables as…
本文转自 http://www.anyiwa.com/?p=1066 Error Code: 1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax解决几个方法 十一月 27, 2009 · Filed Under Microsoft, Oracle Error Code: 1064 – You have an error in your SQL syntax解决几个方法 mysql备份还原时,查看错误日志,内容如下:Error Code: 1064 – You…
https://blog.csdn.net/feinik/article/details/54974293 Hash算法解决冲突的方法一般有以下几种常用的解决方法1, 开放定址法:所谓的开放定址法就是一旦发生了冲突,就去寻找下一个空的散列地址,只要散列表足够大,空的散列地址总能找到,并将记录存入公式为:fi(key) = (f(key)+di) MOD m (di=1,2,3,……,m-1)※ 用开放定址法解决冲突的做法是:当冲突发生时,使用某种探测技术在散列表中形成一个探测序列.沿此序列逐个单…
在新建一个ASP.NET Core项目后,在项目Startup类的Configure方法中默认会添加两个方法的调用,app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage和app.UseExceptionHandler,如下所示: // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicatio…
gRPC is an universal remote procedure call framework developed by Google that has been gaining interests among many software developers that were developing microservices in recent years because its open source, language neutral, compact binary size,…