蓝牙 BLE GATT 剖析(一)】的更多相关文章

一.概述 The Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) defines a service framework using the Attribute Protocol. This framework defines proceduresand formats of services and their characteristics. The proceduresdefined include discovering, reading,writing, notify…
generic attribute profile (GATT)The Generic Attributes (GATT) define a hierarchical data structure that is exposed to connected Bluetooth LE devices. 一.UUID GATT Services GATT Attribute Types GATT Characteristic Descriptors GATT Characteristic Types…
一. 引言 现在低功耗蓝牙(BLE)连接都是建立在 GATT (Generic Attribute Profile) 协议之上.GATT 是一个在蓝牙连接之上的发送和接收很短的数据段的通用规范,这些很短的数据段被称为属性(Attribute). 二. GAP 详细介绍 GATT 之前,需要了解 GAP(Generic Access Profile),它在用来控制设备连接和广播.GAP 使你的设备被其他设备可见,并决定了你的设备是否可以或者怎样与合同设备进行交互.例如 Beacon 设备就只是向外…
一.BLE架构概述: 二.各个层…
一.Error Handling Error Response The Error Responseis used to state that a given request cannot be performed, and to provide the reason.Note: The Write Command does notgenerate an Error Response 二.MTU Exchange 1.Exchange MTU Request The Exchange MTU R…
一.概述 The attribute protocol allows a device referred to as the server to expose a set of attributes and their associated values to a peer device referred to as the client. These attributes exposed by the server can be discovered, read, and written by…
位于:<KEIL path> \ARM\Device\Nordic\nrf51822\Board\pca10001\s110\ble_app_hrs Heart Rate Example The Heart Rate Application is a firmware example that implements the Heart Rate profile using the hardware delivered in the nRF51822 Development Kit. The s…
蓝牙BLE实用教程 Bluetooth BLE 欢迎使用 小书匠(xiaoshujiang)编辑器,您可以通过 设置 里的修改模板来改变新建文章的内容. 1.蓝牙BLE常见问答 Q: Smart Ready 和 Smart 以及传统蓝牙之间是什么关系? Q: 双模(dual-mode)和单模(single-mode)有什么区别? Q: There is a confusion between Server-Client vs Master-Slave vs Central-Peripheral.…
1 平台框架简介 微信蓝牙BLE由三个模块组成,分别是蓝牙设备.微信和第三方服务器,如下图: 蓝牙设备与微信之间的通信是通过蓝牙GATT协议进行. 微信与第三方服器之间的通信是通过网络http 接口进行. 调试流程: 2蓝牙BLE固件调试 2.1 需要的资料和工具 <微信蓝牙外设协议> 微信蓝牙协议调试工具AirSyncDebugger <微信蓝牙计步Profile协议> Nordic nRF51822接入教程芯片源代码v0.2 以上资料都可以在下面网址下载:http://iot.…
一.关键概念: Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) 通过BLE连接,读写属性类小数据的Profile通用规范.现在所有的BLE应用Profile都是基于GATT的.   Attribute Protocol (ATT) GATT是基于ATT Protocol的.ATT针对BLE设备做了专门的优化,具体就是在传输过程中使用尽量少的数据.每个属性都有一个唯一的UUID,属性将以characteristics and services的形式传输.   Characteri…