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REST API Design Guidelines V 1.0.201208 Draft 5 Last Updated: 08/31/2012 1       简介 本文档旨在规范REST API的设计和开发. 1.1      REST API目标 REST API允许Newegg内部和外部开发人员通过编程方式访问Newegg系统的各种对象与资源. REST API需最大限度地满足平台无关性. 2       REST基本原则 REST全称“Representational State Tr…
UPDATE: This post has been expanded upon and converted into an eBook. Good API design is hard! An API represents a contract between you and those who Consume your data. Breaking this contract will result in many angry emails, and a slew of sad users…
http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/restful-api-design-with-nodejs-restify--cms-22637 The RESTful API consists of two main concepts: Resource, and Representation. Resource can be any object associated with data, or identified with a URI (more than one…
Effective API Design */--> div.org-src-container { font-size: 85%; font-family: monospace; } Table of Contents 1. Foreword 2. Process of API Design 3. General Principles 4. Classes Deisgn 5. Method Design 6. Exceptions Design 7. Refactoring API Desig…
[the original link] One of Qt’s most reputed merits is its consistent, easy-to-learn, powerfulAPI. This document tries to summarize the know-how we’ve accumulated on designing Qt-style APIs. Many of the guidelines are universal; others are more conve…
Atitit.index manager api design 索引管理api设计 1. kw 1 1.1. 索引类型 unique,normal,fulltxt 1 1.2. 聚集索引(clustered index,也称聚类索引 1 1.3. 索引方式:btree,hashtable 2 1.4. 索引使用所有的页面规模百分比 2 2. Ui 2 3. api 2 3.1. createIndex(indexName,cols) 2 3.2. Rebuild 2 3.3. Del 2 3.4…
Atitit.index manager api design 索引管理api设计 1. kw1 1.1. 索引类型 unique,normal,fulltxt1 1.2. 聚集索引(clustered index,也称聚类索引1 1.3. 索引方式:btree,hashtable2 1.4. 索引使用所有的页面规模百分比2 2. Ui2 3. api2 3.1. createIndex(indexName,cols)2 3.2. Rebuild2 3.3. Del2 3.4. Up2 4. -…
RESTful API Design: 13 Best Practices to Make Your Users Happy First step to the RESTful way: make sure errors don't come back as 200 OK. Architect at work. Daniel McCullough, unsplash.com Web services have been around for as long as the HTTP protoco…
Web API design 28 minutes to read Most modern web applications expose APIs that clients can use to interact with the application. A well-designed web API should aim to support: Platform independence. Any client should be able to call the API, regardl…
面向资源的设计 这份设计指南的目标是帮助开发人员设计简单.一致.易用的网络API.同时,它也有助于收敛基于socket的API和(注:原文是with,这里翻译为“和”)基于HTTP的REST API. 以前,人们根据诸如CORBA和Windows COM这样的API接口和方法设计RPC API.随着时间的推移,接口和方法越来越多.最后,接口和方法数不胜数又各不相同.开发人员要正确使用它们,必须仔细了解每一个的用法,这很浪费时间而且容易出错. 2000年,为了与HTTP1.1搭配使用,REST架构…