This article mainly introduces the process of Memcached, libevent structure of the main thread and worker thread based on the processing of the connection state of mutual conversion (not involving data access operations), the main business logic is t…
Look under the start memcahced threading process memcached multi-threaded mainly by instantiating multiple libevent, are a main thread and n workers thread is the main thread or workers thread all through the the libevent management network event, in…
LIRE教程之源码分析 |LIRE Tutorial of Analysis of the Source Code 最近在做地理图像识别和检索的研究,发现了一个很好用的框架LIRE,遂研究了一通.网上的教程不算很多,而且LIRE更新比较快,一些方法已经更新或废弃,故想写几篇文章重新总结一下框架内的多种方法,方便他人使用. LIRE(Lucene Image Retrieval)是一个开源的轻量级图像识别Java框架,提供了多种简单易用的图片检索方法.事实上,LIRE是基于Lucene这个全文检索…
最近在做android项目的过程中遇到这样一个问题,新增一个activity的时候添加不成,eclipse提示The refactoring does not change any source code.百度了很久终于在Stack Overflow找到问题的解决方法. 言归正传,先把问题解决了. 原帖的内容就不粘贴在这里了.原帖是的回复是: Check if you have older version of ADT plug-in. You need to update ADT plug-i…
程序运行的整个过程,学习一下 源代码 (source code) → 预处理器 (preprocessor) → 编译器 (compiler) → 汇编程序 (assembler) → 目标代码 (object code) → 连接器 (Linker) → 可执行程序 (executables) 1. 词法分析 词法分析器根据词法规则识别出源程序中的各个记号(token),每个记号代表一类单词(lexeme).源程序中常见的记号可以归为几大类:关键字.标识符.字面量和特殊符号.词法分析器的输入是…
link from: Native Java Bytecode Debugging without Source Code Feb 12, 2014 | Jason Geffner, Sr. Security Researcher At CrowdStrike, we've seen a moderate inc… Snort is by far the most popular open-source network intrusion detection and prevention system (IDS/IPS) for Linux. Snort can conduct detailed traffic analysis, including protocol analysis, packet content search…
Hey, guys! The next generation of Vue has released already. There are not only the brand new composition API, much more powerful and flexible reactivity system, first-class render function, but also the natural performance with building off the moder…
The Robotics Library is an open source C++ library for robot kinematics, motion planning and control. The official website provides a Windows installer. But it's release only and has no debug information. To better debug into the library, we need to…
Artistic Style - Index Artistic Style 3.1 A Free, Fast, and Small Automatic Formatterfor C, C++, C++/CLI, Objective‑C, C#, and Java Source Code Project Page: SourceForge: http://sourceforg…