Front-end changes: app.js: Uinsg $resource /** * Created by Answer1215 on 12/9/2014. */ 'use strict'; function MainCtrl(People) { var vm = this; vm.selectedPerson = {}; vm.people = People.query(); vm.selectPerson = function(person) { var person = Peo…
原文:[百度地图API]如何利用PhoneGap制作地图APP 摘要:百度地图API是一套由javascript编写的地图程序接口,按说它应该运行在浏览器上.现在,只要利用PhoneGap,我们就能开发出移动平台上能使用的APP了! --------------------------------------------- 一.安装平台 PhoneGap支持5种平台,IOS,安卓,黑莓,WebOS,塞班. 我们下面以IOS为例,开发一个定位的APP. 1.下载xCode 注意看清楚,狮子系统和雪…
AndroidS Studio打包APK时出现问题:org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':app:lintVitalRelease'. 什么意思?任务':app:lintVitalRelease的执行失败. 关于lint是个什么东西看官网: 或者:https://blog.csd…
1.用visual studio 2015 建立一个 web api 应用程序.记住这是一个 web api 应用. 2.新建一个web api . 3.用C#访问,代码如下:[没有问题,返回正确] var requestJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(args); HttpContent httpContent = new StringContent(requestJson); httpContent.Headers.ContentType = new M…
Mongoose allows you to easily select resources by ID from your MongoDB. This is an important aspect to creating an API. Server.js 'use strict'; var expres = require('express'); var mongoose = require('mongoose'); mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost…
Learn how to import data into your MongoDB and then use Express to serve a simple Node.js API. Import data into MongoDB: For exmaple, you have an data.json file and contains some data. 1. Start Mongod service: //in the cmd $ mongod 2. Open a new Tab,…
Currently, the server.js is going way too long. In the real world application, it is likely that we are going to deal with more routers, whichi means it growing even longer. A single file which has too many lines of code whcih means code small. We ar…
For server.js, we update the code by using route instance. By using this, we can remove some duplicate code. For example: app.get('/people', function(request, response){});'/people', parseUrlencoded, function(request, response){}); app.get(…
The app structure: Front-end: app.js /** * Created by Answer1215 on 12/9/2014. */ 'use strict'; function MainCtrl(PeopleService) { var vm = this; vm.people = []; vm.selectedPerson = {}; vm.getPeople = PeopleService.getPeople().then(function(response)…