A Brief Introduction to the Design of UBIFS】的更多相关文章

http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDy0jip 译文:http://blog.csdn.net/kickxxx/article/details/6573396 项目闲暇,想了解下UBIFS,就先从UBIFS的设计文档翻译开始吧,以后有机会有时间能分析下UBIFS源码 flash memory文件系统需要异地更新(out-of-place updates). 这是因为flash存储在写之前必须擦除, 并且每次擦除后只能写一次.如果擦除块很小并且擦除速度很快,那么擦除块可以看作是磁盘…
原文链接:http://www.datanamic.com/support/lt-dez005-introduction-db-modeling.html Introduction to Database Design This article/tutorial will teach the basis of relational database design and explains how to make a good database design. It is a rather lon…
UBIFS无排序区块图像文件系统(Unsorted Block Image File System, UBIFS)是用于固态存储设备上,并与LogFS相互竞争,作为JFFS2的后继文件系统之一.真正开始开发于2007年,并于2008年10月第一次加入稳定版本于Linux核心2.6.27版. 由IBM.nokia工程师Thomas Gleixner.Artem Bityutskiy等人于2006年发起,致力于开发性能卓越.扩展性高的FLASH专用文件系统,以解决嵌入式环境下以FLASH作为MTD设…
I collect and make up this pseudocode from the book: <<Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Second Edition>> _ Anany LevitinNote that throughout the paper, we assume that inputs to algorithms fall within their specified ranges…
I collect and make up this pseudocode from the book: <<Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Second Edition>> _ Anany Levitin Note that throughout the paper, we assume that inputs to algorithms fall within their specified range…
I collect and make up this pseudocode from the book: <<Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Second Edition>> _ Anany LevitinNote that throughout the paper, we assume that inputs to algorithms fall within their specified ranges…
I collect and make up this pseudocode from the book: <<Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Second Edition>> _ Anany LevitinNote that throughout the paper, we assume that inputs to algorithms fall within their specified ranges…
I collect and make up this pseudocode from the book: <<Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms_Second Edition>> _ Anany LevitinNote that throughout the paper, we assume that inputs to algorithms fall within their specified ranges…
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