一.什么是multipart The Spittr application calls for file uploads in two places. When a new user registers with the application, you’d like them to be able to provide a picture to associate with their profile. And when a user posts a new Spittle , they ma…
博客地址:http://www.moonxy.com 1. 绝对路径和相对路径 绝对路径:由根目录 "/" 写起的.如:/usr/local/mysql 相对路径:不是由根目录 "/" 写起的. 几个与文档.目录相关的命令 2. 命令 cd # cd dir cd - change directory,命令 cd 是用来变更用户所在工作目录的,其后只能跟目录名,当目录名为空时,会进入到当前用户的家目录下. # cd /tmp/ 可以不加后面的斜杠,".&q…
一. 1.如想在DispatcherServlet在Servlet容器中注册后自定义一些操作,如开启文件上传功能,则可重写通过AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer 的customizeRegistration() 来实现 // After AbstractAnnotation ConfigDispatcherServletInitializer registers DispatcherServlet with the servl…