1.Consumer优化:心跳线程可作为后台线程,提交offset,剥离出poll函数 问题:0.10新设计的consumer是单线程的,提交offset是在poll中.本次的poll调用,提交上次poll的心跳和offset值. The options for the user at the moment to handle this problem are the following: Increase the session timeout to give more time for re…
一.安装数据库,这里使用的是percona-server5..24版本 配置如下 [root@zabbix4_clone:~]# cat /etc/my.cnf # Example MySQL config file for medium systems. # 8核 16G # This is for a system with little memory (16G) where MySQL plays [client] #password = your_password port = sock…