使用db2 load导入数据 数据量比较大时常常会报文件系统已满错误. 原因分析:导入表建有索引,在load的“索引复制”阶段会从系统临时表空间拷贝到目标表空间,导致系统临时表空间所在的文件系统满,load未完成,表状态变为load pending 解决方法:1.用load 中的terminate终止load,使表状态变为正常 (load from abc.txt of del terminate into 表名) 2.删除表索引 3.用load导入数据 4.创建索引 也可以增加临时表空间…
FUSE 仓库 Wiki FUSE 性能评测 关于Fuse文件系统: FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is an interface for userspace programs to export a filesystem to the Linux kernel. The FUSE project consists of two components: the fuse kernel module (maintained in the regular kernel…
分区类型 [root@-shiyan dev]# fdisk /dev/sda WARNING: DOS-compatible mode is deprecated. It's strongly recommended to switch off the mode (command 'c') and change display units to sectors (command 'u'). Command (m for help): Command (m for help): l Empty…