resource: Evolutionary computing, A.E.Eiben Outline What is Evolution Strategies Introductory Example Representation Mutation 1. What is Evolution Strategies (ES) Evolution strategies(ES) is another member of the evolutionary algorithm family. ES tec…
Resource: Introduction to Evolutionary Computing, A.E.Eliben Outline recombination parent selection survivor selection self-adaptation 1. Recombination 1.1 Basic recombination two parents --> one child There are two recombination variants distinguish…
Resource:<Introduction to Evolutionary Computing> 1. What is an evolutionary algorithm? There are many different variants of evolutionary algorithms. The common underlying behind all these techniques is the same: given a population of individuals wi…
Outline 什么是进化算法 能够解决什么样的问题 进化算法的重要组成部分 八皇后问题(实例) 1. 什么是进化算法 遗传算法(GA)是模拟生物进化过程的计算模型,是自然遗传学与计算机科学相互结合的新的计算方法. <图片来源于,Pro. Frank Neumann, The University of Adelaide> 2. 能够解决什么样的问题 我们主要面对的三个问题类型: 2.1 Optimisation 我们有一个系统模型,但是需要寻找合适的input,来达到我们想要的目标. 2.2…
resource: On the Life-Long Learning Capabilities of a NELLI*: A Hyper-Heuristic Optimisation System Wikipedia Hyper-heuristic: Wikipedia Heuristic:…
Assignment 1: TSP Travel Salesman Problem Assignment 2: TTP Travel Thief Problem The goal is to find a tour and picking recommendation that yields the maximal objective value (profit - travel cost). Assignment 3: PWT Packing While Traveling Exercise…
1. What is multi-objective optimisation [wikipedia]: Multi-objective optimization (also known as multi-objective programming, vector optimization, multicriteria optimization,multiattribute optimization or Pareto optimization) is an area of multiple c…
承接上一章,接着写Genetic Algorithm. 本章主要写排列表达(permutation representations) 开始先引一个具体的例子来进行表述 Outline 问题描述 排列表达的变异算子 排列表达的重组算子 种群模型 父辈选择 1. 问题描述 旅行商问题.给定n个城市,旅行商需要拜访所有城市后回到原点.要求每个城市只能拜访一次,问题的最终目标是寻找一个最短的路线. Encoding: 将所有的城市标上序号:1,2,...,n.比如n=4,那么排列可以为[1,2,3,4]…
本篇博文讲述基因算法(Genetic Algorithm),基因算法是最著名的进化算法. 内容依然来自博主的听课记录和教授的PPT. Outline 简单基因算法 个体表达 变异 重组 选择重组还是变异? 1. 简单基因算法(Simple Genetic Algorithm) Holland's早期的基因算法被认为是“简单的基因算法”或是“权威的基因算法”.(simple genetic algorithm or canonical genetic algorithm) 1.1 直接举例说明 问…
20160214 survey of current RDF triple storage systems survey of semantic web stack inference mechanism embrace semantic web in giant data processing: graph computing? graph database search transformation? reasoning mechanism modified? 20160215 play A…