最后两点怎么搞都要30s+,但是我不会什么优化啊…暂时就这样吧.Dinic的时间复杂度是O(N^2*M) 这题和TDL的幼儿园模板是一样的. 这次写网络流给自己计时了,大约是40min左右,后来都跑去倒腾后面两组数据去了… program profit; type ptype=^node; node=record v,w,flow:longint; next:ptype; end; +; inf=maxlongint ; ..maxn] of ptype; visit:..maxn] of bo…
方法1: 查出科目成绩有小于80分的学生姓名,再约束并去重学生不等于查出来的姓名 select distinct A.name from t_score A where A.name not in(select distinct B.name from t_score B where B.fenshu <=80) 方法2: 按学生姓名分组,且最小的分数要大于80分 select A.name from t_score A group by A.name having min(A.fenshu)>…
Course表如下: 查询出每门课都大于80 分的学生姓名有两种方法. 1.select distinct name from Course where name not in (select distinct name from Course where score<=80) 2.select name from Course group by name having min(score)>80…