Beholder is a TensorBoard plugin for viewing frames of a video while your model trains. It comes with tools to visualize the parameters of your network, visualize arbitrary arrays like gradients. Beholder是一个TensorBoard插件,用于在模型训练时查看视频帧. 它具有可视化网络参数的工具,…
今天为了做项目,在Apache中配置了项目域名,成功访问.但是忽然发现要访问localhost突然出现The requested URL / was not found on this server. 出现这种情况在网上查了下是由于开启 httpd.conf 文件中 Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf 导致的,只要把它注释掉就可以了,我试了一下确实可以,但是我的虚拟域名还得要啊. 于是就想给 localhost 配置虚拟域名,但是配完之后也没有出现预期的效果…
How to disable SSL certificate checking with Spring RestTemplate?(使用resttemplate访问https时禁用证书检查) ********************************************************************************************* I am trying to write an integration test where our test laun…