linux & node & cli & exit(0) & exit(1) exit(0) & exit(1) demo exit(0) === OK exit(1) === some error occurred bash exit also makes your script s…
I will tell you how to exit the application in UWP by the code. We can call some static method to help us to exit the application. The first method is as this code: CoreApplication.Exit(); And the other one is Application.Current.Exit(); If you are m…
android Activity类中的finish().onDestory()和System.exit(0) 三者的区别 Activity.finish() Call this when your activity is done and should be closed. 在你的activity动作完成的时候,或者Activity需要关闭的时候,调用此方法. 当你调用此方法的时候,系统只是将最上面的Activity移出了栈,并没有及时的调用onDestory()方法,其占用的资源也没有被及时释…
Activity.finish() Calling this method will let the system know that the programmer wants the current Activity to be finished. And hence, it calls up onDestroy() after that. The system will remove the top level activity from stack when calling finish(…
2.解析 查看java.lang.System的源代码,我们可以找到System.exit(status)这个方法的说明,代码如下: /** * Terminates the currently running Java Virtual Machine. The * argument serves as a status code; by convention, a nonzero status * code indicates abnormal termination. * <p> * Th…