jersey annotations】的更多相关文章

参照: 官网文档翻译版 @Path 用来为资源类或方法定义URI,当然除了静态URI也支持动态URI @Path("service") public class MyResource { @Path("{sub_path}") @GET public String getResource(@PathParam("sub_path") S…
Build a RESTful Web service using Jersey and Apache Tomcat Yi Ming Huang with Dong Fei Wu, Qing GuoPublished on September 24, 2009   20 RESTful Web service introduction Representational State Transfer, or REST, was introduced and defined in 2000 by t…
Root resource classes are POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects) that are annotated with @Path have at least one method annotated with @Path or a resource method designator annotation such as @GET, @PUT, @POST, @DELETE. Resource methods are methods of a reso…
By default the life-cycle of root resource classes is per-request, namely that a new instance of a root resource class is created every time the request URI path matches the root resource. This makes for a very natural programming model where constru…
As you probably already know, Jersey uses MessageBodyWriters and MessageBodyReaders to parse incoming request and create outgoing responses. Every user can create its own representation but... this is not recommended way how to do things. XML is prov…
Jersey JSON support comes as a set of JAX-RS MessageBodyReader<T> and MessageBodyWriter<T> providers distributed with jersey-json module. These providers enable using three basic approaches when working with JSON format: POJO support JAXB base…
jersey提供了强大的rest功能,可以通过简洁的标注和编码实现业务的需求,架构会透明的把你的pojo对象转化为客户端可以接受的json/xml文件模式,当然也可以用它做一些基于ajax的表单提交和下载功能,这里简单说下他在spirng中的设置 在pom中引入 <dependency> <groupId>com.sun.jersey</groupId> <artifactId>jersey-json</artifactId> <versi…
Jersey 中自带一个包扫描,可以是包,或者具体类名 ,扫描的类型是自己定注解类型,实现功能更加大,可以是jar 包 可以是虚拟地址下的 Jersey 主要用来扫描Path Provider 类中同时包括以上的Annotation,使用Jersey 包扫描只需要三步. String aa[] = new String[]{"com.jerweb"}; Scanner scanner = new PackageNamesScanner(checkNotNull(aa)); final…
JAX-RS Application Resource and Sub-Resource 本章要介绍的是JAX-RS的核心概念——Resouce.Sub-Resource JAX-RS的2.0的java在线文档链接是: JAX-RS的2.0的规范草案文档链接是: 3.1 Root Resource Classes…
Jersey是JAX-RS(JSR311)开源参考实现用于构建RESTful Web service,它包含三个部分: 核心服务器(Core Server) 通过提供JSR 311中标准化的注释和API标准化,可以用直观的方式开发RESTful Web服务. 核心客户端(Core Client) Jersey客户端API能够帮助开发者与RESTful服务轻松通信: 集成(Integration) Jersey还提供可以轻松继承Spring.Guice.Apache Abdera的库 设置Jers…