In Mac OSX, The Issue Image: 1. Build the project on Eclipse successfully. 2. Run gdb on command line successfully. So the gdb has been installed on the Mac. 3. To run debug mode on Eclipse, the error appear: "Cannot run program "gdb": Unkn…
Android Studio提供VCS(Version Control System)版本控制系统,默认情况使用Git.GitHub工具需要配置git.exe路径,否则提示“cannot run program git.exe createprocess error=2 系统找不到指定的文件”的错误,如下图: 点击查看详情…
在使用android studio从git上check项目的时候报错cannot run program "git.exe":CreateProcess error=2 请检查下面步骤: 下载 Github For Windows 客户端并安装. 成功安装之后,连接你的账户. 然后设置你的环境变量,参考path比如:D:gitGitbin 当然了,如果你不想设置环境变量 : Settings -> Version Control -> Git 之后,在选项 "Pa…
在Linux上使用ant编译打包apk的时候,出现以下的错误及解决方法: 1./usr/local/android-sdk-linux/tools/ant/build.xml:698: Execute failed: Cannot run program "/usr/local/android-sdk-linux/build-tools/22.0.0/aapt": error=2, No such file or directory BUILD…