JMeter is one of the best open source tools in the Test Automation Community. It comes with all the possible extensions to come up with our test scripts quickly. To make our life even more easier, It also lets us to come up with our own plugins by im…
This blog post was written for the Lockheed Martin Insight blog, sharing here for the external audience. Last month I started the Pluralsight summer camp by watching an interesting video in which the presenter implements Conway's Game of Life using H…
Developers are now finding themselves having to author applications for a diverse range of mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Windows Phone, …), each of which have their own ‘native’ development languages, tools and environment. There is an ever growing…
最近在使用maven,项目测试的时候出现了这么一个错.-Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory system property is not set. Check $M2_HO 网上找到了一个解决办法. 1.添加M2_HOME的环境变量 2.Preference->Java->Installed JREs->Edit 选择一个jdk 添加 -Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory=$M2_HOME…