Android device debug by Charge Only mode Method 1 Connect devices to computer and execute lsusb Find current device's info: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 2717:ff08 2717 is VendorID and ff08 is ProductID Then create /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules (sudo n…
error: more than one device and emulator 如果出现上面那种情况 请关闭 ide 输入下面的 再次重新启动 模拟器 如果实际上只有一个设备或模拟器,并且查到有offline的状态:那就说明是ADB本身的BUG所导致的,就需要用如下的方法处理下了:C:\Users\gaojs>adb kill-serverC:\Users\gaojs>taskkill /f /im adb.exe第一条命令是杀ADB的服务,第二条命令是杀ADB的进程!如果第一条没有用,…
要在cmd命令中直接使用adb,需要配置环境变量:目录XXX\sdk\platform-tools 查看adb -help 帮助命令打印出以下内容: Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31 <!--安卓调试桥接器 版本号:1.0.31--> -a - directs adb to listen on all interfaces for a connection <!-- -a 参数,指示adb侦听连接的所有接口. --> -d - directs… MAR 26 Android Quick Tip - ADB over WiFi Someone I had the pleasure of working with recently showed me something extremely cool for Android development. It is simply that…
错误代码如下 BUILD SUCCESSFUL in 12s 46 actionable tasks: 1 executed, 45 up-to-date Built the following apk(s): /Users/hongye0/Documents/project/haitoujiaApp/platforms/android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk ANDROID_HOME=/Users/hongye0/Library/An…