Structured data refers to kinds of data with a high level of organization, such as information in a relational database. When information is highly structured and predictable, sea…
转换时Bean所要求的: 被转换的Bean必需是public的. Bean被转换的属性一定要有对应的get方法,且一定要是public的. Bean中不能用引用自身的this的属性,否则运行时出现et.sf.json.JSONException: There is a cycle in the hierarchy!异常 json-lib包转换时,不能以null为键名,否则运行报net.sf.json.JSONException:java.lang.NullPointerException:JSO…
Student st1 = new Student(1, "dg", 18, new Date()); Student st2 = new Student(2, "dg", 18, new Date()); Student st3 = new Student(3, "dg", 18, new Date()); Student st4 = new Student(4, "d…
var time = "2514484555"; //这只是事例,并不是实际的数据 function timeToString(time) { var datetime = new Date(); datetime.setTime(time); var year = datetime.getFullYear(); var month = datetime.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + (datetime.getMonth() + 1)…