【bzoj4952】[Wf2017]Need for Speed 二分】的更多相关文章

题目描述 已知$\sum\limits_{i=1}^n\frac{d_i}{s_i+c}=t$,求$c$ $(d_i>0,s_i+c>0)$ 输入 第一行包含两个整数n(1≤n≤1000)和t(1≤t≤10^6),分别表示Sheila的行程段数和总时间. 接下来n行,每行描述了Sheila的一段行程. 第i行包含两个整数di(1≤di≤1000)和si(|si|≤1000),分别表示第 i 段行程的距离和表盘读数. 时间单位是小时,距离单位是英里,速度单位是英里每小时. 输出 输出常数c,其单…
Sheila is a student and she drives a typical student car: it is old, slow, rusty, and falling apart. Recently, the needle on the speedometer fell off. She glued it back on, but she might have placed it at the wrong angle. Thus, when the speedometer r…
[BZOJ4952]lydsy七月月赛 E 题面 题解:傻题...二分答案即可,精度有坑. #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> using namespace std; double eps=1e-9; int n,t; int d[1010],s[1010]; bool solve(double x) { double ret=0; for(int i=1;i<=n;i++) ret+…
C. Road to Cinema time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasya is currently at a car rental service, and he wants to reach cinema. The film he has bought a ticket for starts in t m…
A. Anton and Danik time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Anton likes to play chess, and so does his friend Danik. Once they have played n games in a row. For each game it's known…
题目链接: 传送门 Copying Books Time Limit: 3000MS     Memory Limit: 32768 KB Description Before the invention of book-printing, it was very hard to make a copy of a book. All the contents had to be re-written by hand by so called scribers. The scriber had b…
C. Anton and Making Potions 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/734/problem/C Description Anton is playing a very interesting computer game, but now he is stuck at one of the levels. To pass to the next level he has to prepare n potions. Anton has a…
C. Road to Cinema time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasya is currently at a car rental service, and he wants to reach cinema. The film he has bought a ticket for starts in t m…
C. Anton and Making Potions time limit per test 4 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Anton is playing a very interesting computer game, but now he is stuck at one of the levels. To pass to the next…
A. Beru-taxi time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasiliy lives at point (a, b) of the coordinate plane. He is hurrying up to work so he wants to get out of his house as soon as…
Lemmings 题目连接: http://codeforces.com/contest/163/problem/B Descriptionww.co As you know, lemmings like jumping. For the next spectacular group jump n lemmings gathered near a high rock with k comfortable ledges on it. The first ledge is situated at t…
题目链接: B. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output A team of furry rescue rangers was sitting idle in their hollow tree when suddenly they received a signa…
题目链接: 题目 B. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers time limit per test:1 second memory limit per test:256 megabytes 问题描述 A team of furry rescue rangers was sitting idle in their hollow tree when suddenly they received a signal of distress. In a few moments they…
题目链接: 题目 Copying Books Time limit: 3.000 seconds 问题描述 Before the invention of book-printing, it was very hard to make a copy of a book. All the contents had to be re-written by hand by so called scribers. The scriber had been given a book and after s…
#148. [NOIP2015]跳石头 Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://uoj.ac/problem/148 Description 一年一度的“跳石头”比赛又要开始了! 这项比赛将在一条笔直的河道中进行,河道中分布着一些巨大岩石.组委会已经选择好了两块岩石作为比赛起点和终点.在起点和终点之间,有 N 块岩石(不含起点和终点的岩石).在比赛过程中,选手们将从起点出发,每一步跳向相邻的岩石,直至到达终点. 为了提高比赛难度,组…
D. Max and Bike Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/contest/595/problem/D Description For months Maxim has been coming to work on his favorite bicycle. And quite recently he decided that he is ready to take part in a cy…
D. Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 http://codeforces.com/contest/591/problem/D Description A team of furry rescue rangers was sitting idle in their hollow tree when suddenly they received a signal of distress.…
Missile Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB You control N missile launching towers. Every tower has enough missiles, but for each tower only one missile can be launch at the same time. Before the launching, every missile need T1 seconds…
  Copying Books  Before the invention of book-printing, it was very hard to make a copy of a book. All the contents had to be re-written by hand by so called scribers. The scriber had been given a book and after several months he finished its copy. O…
抄书  (二分查找+贪心) 提示:二分查找一般写成非递归形式 时间复杂度:O(logn) 题目链接:http://acm.hust.edu.cn/vjudge/contest/view.action?cid=85904#problem/B Description   Copying Books Before the invention of book-printing, it was very hard to make a copy of a book. All the contents had…
Toxophily Time Limit: 3000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 1429    Accepted Submission(s): 739 Problem Description The recreation center of WHU ACM Team has indoor billiards, Ping Pang, chess an…
2482. Franky的胡子 ☆   输入文件:beard.in   输出文件:beard.out   简单对比 时间限制:1 s   内存限制:128 MB [题目描述] Franky很苦恼他一直不长胡子. 看到同学大叔一样的胡子,Franky总是很无耻的偷笑... 有一天,杨老师要带Franky参加n天的外出培训!!!好开心!! 在火车上,Franky突然发现自己长了胡子! 杨老师带Franky去查了基因图谱==(好贴心) 并且发现: 1.胡子初始每天深夜都会长v cm: 2.每次在剃掉胡…
Problem UVA1471-Copying Books Accept: 2669  Submit: 22797Time Limit: 3000 mSec Problem Description Before the invention of book-printing, it was very hard to make a copy of a book. All the contents had to be re-written by hand by so called scribers.…
题目链接:http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=4062 题意: 现在在一条 $x$ 轴上玩植物大战僵尸,有 $n$ 个植物,编号为 $1 \sim n$,第 $i$ 个植物的位置在坐标 $i$,成长值为 $a_i$,初始防御值为 $d_i$. 现在有一辆小车从坐标 $0$ 出发,每次浇水操作必须是先走 $1$ 单位长度,然后再进行浇水,植物被浇一次水,防御值 $d_i+=a_i$. 现在知道,小车最多进行 $m…
题目 https://uva.onlinejudge.org/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=2674 题意 有严格下降的n条线段,长度都为w,第i条线段起点xi,终点xi + w,高度yi,现在有s种垂直恒定速度可以选择,水平速度不能超过vh,问要经过每条线段,垂直恒定速度最大可以选择什么 思路 明显,二分枚举速度speed 第一条线段因为是起点所以肯定都能到达 对于第i条线段…
题目 https://icpcarchive.ecs.baylor.edu/index.php?option=com_onlinejudge&Itemid=8&page=show_problem&problem=2255 题意 n个任务,允许时间区间为[ri, di](ri , di <= 20000),运算量为wi,可以分割,问最小运算速度 思路 明显,应该二分枚举最小运算速度, 对于时刻i来说,应该优先处理已经开始的最早结束的任务.接着,如果任务已经处理完毕,那就应该等待…
n people are standing on a coordinate axis in points with positive integer coordinates strictly less than 106. For each person we know in which direction (left or right) he is facing, and his maximum speed. You can put a bomb in some point with non-n…
Plants vs. Zombies Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB BaoBao and DreamGrid are playing the game Plants vs. Zombies. In the game, DreamGrid grows plants to defend his garden against BaoBao's zombies. Plants vs. Zombies(?) (Image from pi…
[BZOJ4101][Usaco2015 Open]Trapped in the Haybales (Silver) Description Farmer John has received a shipment of N large hay bales (1≤N≤100,000), and placed them at various locations along the road connecting the barn with his house. Each bale j has a s…
Increasing Speed Limits Time Limit: 2000/10000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 481    Accepted Submission(s): 245 Problem Description You were driving along a highway when you got caught by the road p…