December 7, 2010 By Major Hayden 4 Comments One of the most interesting topics I’ve seen so far during my RHCA training at Rackspace this week isSystemTap. In short, SystemTap all…
写在前面:本文是对OSCon09的<Linux System and Performance Monitoring>一文的学习笔记,主要内容是总结了其中的要点,以及加上了笔者自己的一些理解.通过总结,一方面是为了加深笔者自己的理解,另一方面也是希望能对有需要的朋友有所帮助. 做为一名服务器开发工程师,经常会有分析系统性能,解决系统性能瓶颈的需求.通常我们所说的性能问题,不外乎就是CPU/Memory/IO/Network这四个方面,这四个方面每个都有各自独特之处,同时也都是相互关联的.下面就分…
source: This article introduces a shell script to perform linux system health check.This script collects system information and status like hostname, kernel version, uptim…
The frequently used operation in Linux system 2017-04-08 12:48:09 1. mount the hard disk: #: fdisk -l %% use this operation to check how many and what disk it found in the computer. #: mkdir yiDongYingPan %% mkdir a new file as the locatio… Linux kernel includes magic system request keys. It was originally developed for kernel hackers. However, you can use this hack to reboot, shutdown or halt computer safely (r…
2014-06-11 Check the Linux system log find the errorr: Jun 9 11:18:49 hostname avahi-daemon[3640]: Invalid query packet. Jun 9 11:19:29 hostnam elast message repeated 7 times Jun 9 11:22:06 hostnam eavahi-daemon[3640]: Invalid query packet. Jun…
Linux System linux 是一个功能强大的操作系统,同时它是一个自由软件,是免费的.源代码开放的,编制它的目的是建立不受任何商品化软件版权制约的.全世界都能自由使用的UNIX兼容产品.各种使用 Linux 作为内核的 GNU 操作系统正被广泛地使用著:虽然这些系统通常被称作为“Linux”,但是它们应该更精确地被称为 GNU/Linux 系统 .…
1. The Stat Family #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> int stat(const char *path, struct stat *buf); int fstat(int fd, struct stat *buf); int lstat(const char *path, struct stat *buf); struct stat{ dev_t…
system(3) - Linux man page Name system - execute a shell command Synopsis #include <stdlib.h> int system(const char *command); Description system() executes a command specified in command by calling /bin/sh -c command, and returns after the command…
1. 内核提供三种不同的方式来记录时间 Wall time (or real time):actual time and date in the real world Process time:the time that a process spends executing on a processor 包括用户时间user time 和 系统时间system time Monotonic time:use the system's uptime (time since boot) for th…
1. 进程调度 the process scheduler is the component of a kernel that selects which process to run next. 进程调度器需要使 处理器使用率最大化,并且提供 使多个进程并发执行的虚拟 Deciding which processes run, when, and for how long is the process scheduler's fundamental responsibility. 时间…
1. Scatter/Gather I/O a single system call to read or write data between single data stream and multiple buffers This type of I/O is so named because the data is scattered into or gathered from the given vector of buffers Scatter/Gather I/O 相比于 C标准…