重装系统和opencv,编译运行显示一副图像的程序,报错如下 liurf@liurf-Lenovo-G470:~/WorkSpace/slambook-master/ch5/imageBasics$ ./imageBasics ubuntu.png 图像宽为1200,高为674,通道数为3 OpenCV Error: Unspecified error (The .x or Carbon support. If you are on Ubuntu or Debian, -dev and term…
Ubuntu下使用 su 切换到超级用户时候遇到下面的问题 su: Authentication failure 解决办法: $ sudo passwd root Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully…
背景: 最近,在Nvidia的GPU嵌入式开发板Jetson TX1(简称TX1)上移植深度学习目标检测算法YOLO.在TX1上安装了官方提供的opencv版本——OpenCV4Tegra(OpenCV-2.4.12),但是使用该版本opencv VideoCapture在读取摄像头数据时出错,显示错误: Unable to stop the stream.: Device or resource busy Unable to stop the stream.: Bad file descrip…