Introduction to the WinPcap Networking Libraries use wire shark or fiddler…
原文链接地址: Winpcap是一个强大的网络开发库,可以实现许多功能:获取可用的网络适配器:获取指定适配器信息(比如名称和描述信息):捕获指定网卡的数据封包:发送数据封包:过滤捕获的包以获取特定包等. 首先到下载安装winpcap 驱动和DLL组件. 然后到http://www.winp…
Awesome Go      financial support to Awesome Go A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you… Over past few years, the age of mobile development become an fiercely-competitive world of serious money making business. Android developers network is growing rapidly. As the network g…
The C10K problem [Help save the best Linux news source on the web -- subscribe to Linux Weekly News! ] It's time for web servers to handle ten thousand clients simultaneously, don't you think? After all, the web is a big place now. And computers are …
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock! If you see a package or project here that…
If you see a package or project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you! Contents Awesome Go Audio and Music Authentication and OAuth Command Line Configuration Continuous I…'s time for web servers to handle ten thousand clients simultaneously, don't you think? After all, the web is a big place now. And computers are big, too. You can buy a 1000MHz machine with 2 gigabytes of RAM and a…
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. Contributing Please take a quick gander at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock! If you see a package or project here that…
Awesome系列的Java资源整理.awesome-java 就是akullpp发起维护的Java资源列表,内容包括:构建工具.数据库.框架.模板.安全.代码分析.日志.第三方库.书籍.Java 站点等等. 经典的工具与库 (Ancients) In existence since the beginning of time and which will continue being used long after the hype has waned. Apache Ant - Build…
转自: 很多来自世界各地的程序员不求回报的写代码为别人造轮子.贡献代码.开发框架.开放源代码使得分散在世界各地的程序员们都能够贡献他们的代码与创新. Python就是这样一门受到全世界各地开源社区支持的语言.Python可以用来开发各种小工具软件.web应用.科学计算.数据分析等等,Python拥有大量的流行框架,比如Django.使用Python框架时,可以根据自己的需求插入不同的模块,比如可以用S…
Build Tool Tools which handle the buildcycle of an application. Apache Maven - Declarative build and dependency management which favors convention over configuration. It's preferable to Apache Ant which uses a rather procedural approach and can be di…
The major update to SQL client was to move to the .NET Core networking libraries instead of the native Windows-only library that it uses on .NET Framework.… Liquid Biopsy -- Definitions Liquid Biopsy -- reliable biomarkers Liquid Biopsy -- the role in cancer diagnostics Liquid Biopsy -- the role of Exosomes Biofluids Guidelines Liquid Biopsy Research P…
Awesome Python  A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. Inspired by awesome-php. Awesome Python Environment Management Package Management Package Repositories Distribution Build Tools Interactive Interpreter Fi…
Awesome Java A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software. Awesome Java Ancients Bean Mapping Build Bytecode Manipulation Cluster Management Code Analysis Code Coverage Compiler-compiler Configuration Constraint Satisfaction Prob…
iOS网络通信http之NSURLConnection 移动互联网时代,网络通信已是手机终端必不可少的功能.我们的应用中也必不可少的使用了网络通信,增强客户端与服务器交互.这一篇提供了使用NSURLConnection实现http通信的方式. NSURLConnection提供了异步请求.同步请求两种通信方式. 1.异步请求 iOS5.0 SDK NSURLConnection类新增的sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:方法,从而使iO…
原文链接 Awesome Java A curated list of awesome Java frameworks, libraries and software. Contents Projects Bean Mapping Build Bytecode Manipulation Caching CLI Cluster Management Code Analysis Code Coverage Code Generators Compiler-compiler Configuration…
The C10K problem 如今的web服务器需要同时处理一万个以上的客户端了,难道不是吗?毕竟如今的网络是个big place了. 现在的计算机也很强大了,你只需要花大概$1200就可以买一个1000MHz的处理器,2G的内存, 1000Mbit/sec的网卡的机器.让我们来看看--20000个客户,每个为50KHz,100Kbyes和 50Kbit/sec,那么没有什么比为这两万个客户端的每个每秒从硬盘读取4千字节然后发送到网络上 去更消耗资源的了.可以看出硬件不再是瓶颈了. (Tha…
A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. Inspired by awesome-php. Admin Panels Libraries for administrative interfaces. Ajenti - The admin panel your servers deserve. django-suit - Alternative Django Admin-Inter…
安装 PYQT5 pypcap 环境: windows10_x64 python3.6.3 pycharm2017.2.4 备注: 需要安装 Visual C++ Build Tools 2015 可以解决 error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Visual C++ Build Tools":…
转自: 移动互联网时代,网络通信已是手机终端必不可少的功能.我们的应用中也必不可少的使用了网络通信,增强客户端与服务器交互.这一篇提供了使用NSURLConnection实现http通信的方式. NSURLConnection提供了异步请求.同步请求两种通信方式. 1.异步请求 iOS5.0 SDK NSURLConnection类新增的sendAsynchronousRequest:queu…
很多来自世界各地的程序员不求回报的写代码为别人造轮子.贡献代码.开发框架.开放源代码使得分散在世界各地的程序员们都能够贡献他们的代码与创新. Python就是这样一门受到全世界各地开源社区支持的语言.Python可以用来开发各种小工具软件.web应用.科学计算.数据分析等等,Python拥有大量的流行框架,比如Django.使用Python框架时,可以根据自己的需求插入不同的模块,比如可以用Scrapy来实现网络爬虫,可以用SciPy来进行科学计算. Python很多模块框架都拥有来自社区良好的…
5.1.9. Unchecked Conversion Let G name a generic type declaration with n type parameters. There is an unchecked conversion from the raw class or interface type (§4.8) G to any parameterized type of the form G<T1,...,Tn>. There is an unchecked conver…
Awesome Python  A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries, software and resources. Inspired by awesome-php. Awesome Python Admin Panels Algorithms and Design Patterns Anti-spam Asset Management Audio Authentication Build Tools Caching Ch…
一 Dll的制作一般分为以下几步:1 在一个DLL工程里写一个过程或函数2 写一个Exports关键字,在其下写过程的名称.不用写参数和调用后缀.二 参数传递1 参数类型最好与window C++的参数类型一致.不要用DELPHI的数据类型.2 最好有返回值[即使是一个过程],来报出调用成功或失败,或状态.成功或失败的返回值最好为1[成功]或0[失败].一句话,与windows c++兼容.3 用stdcall声明后缀.4 最好大小写敏感.5 无须用far调用后缀,那只是为了与windows 1…
CocoaAsyncSocket   套接字 Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS 用于iOS以及Mac的异步套接字网络库. TCP GCDAsyncSocket and AsyncSocket are TCP/IP socket networking libraries. Here are the key features a…
新建一个Cocoa Touch Static  Library工程 1,先在工程左侧删除“工程名Tests”下的文件与文件夹(从内往外删,最后删除"工程名Tests文件夹") :Delete->Remove Reference  然后在Finder中删除相应文件 2,删除TARGETS下的"工程名Tests" 先删除原来的.h和.m文件 (可不删除) 然后在codec上右键New File,新建一个c文件(同时创建其头文件) 在左侧要新建一个New Group…
移动互联网时代,网络通信已是手机终端必不可少的功能.我们的应用中也必不可少的使用了网络通信,增强客户端与服务器交互.这一篇提供了使用NSURLConnection实现http通信的方式. NSURLConnection提供了异步请求.同步请求两种通信方式. 1.异步请求 iOS5.0 SDK NSURLConnection类新增的sendAsynchronousRequest:queue:completionHandler:方法,从而使iOS5支持两种异步请求方式.我们先从新增类开始. 1)se…
Collecting Network Traffic Data 1.This lesson teaches you to Tag Network Requests 标记网络类型 Configure a Network Test Build Type 在as中配置测试模式才能测试网络 Deploy the Network Test APK 在真机上部属网络调试应用 Run Network Traffic Tool NetWork Traffic 工具 The network traffic gen…