Sign http】的更多相关文章

真机测试的时候弹出这样的提示:The certificate used to sign ***has either expired or has been revoked. An updated certificate is required to sign and install the application.... 想了想自己清理过本地的证书,于是参照 stackoverflow 上的方法试了下,果然好了.具体流程如下: Shift(⇧) + Command(⌘) + K 或者 Produ…
因为Xcode对ios版本的支持问题,我对XCode进行了一次升级,导致原来还好的项目代码出现了编译时错误. Code Sign Error failed with exit code 1 问题就在于这次的Xcode升级. 大神支招"分别进入工程目录与DerivedData目录,执行 xattr -rc " 解决. 实际上直接在项目根目录直接运行就行. 遇到问题  在此标记.…
前言 在app开放接口api的设计中,避免不了的就是安全性问题,因为大多数接口涉及到用户的个人信息以及一些敏感的数据,所以对这些接口需要进行身份的认证,那么这就需要用户提供一些信息,比如用户名密码等,但是为了安全起见让用户暴露的明文密码次数越少越好,我们一般在web项目中,大多数采用保存的session中,然后在存一份到cookie中,来保持用户的回话有效性.但是在app提供的开放接口中,后端服务器在用户登录后如何去验证和维护用户的登陆有效性呢,以下是参考项目中设计的解决方案,其原理和大多数开放…
现象:The identity used to sign the executable is no longer valid Please verify that your device’s clock is properly set, and that your signing certificate is not expired. your signing certificate is not expired.就是你的证书无效了,去“钥匙访问串”里把无效的证书删除后,重新安装一个有效的就可以…
0.微信连WiFi需要时间戳毫秒,但是PHP本身没有自带这个函数.但是相对来说,Java和js获取毫秒时间戳就比较方便. 既然PHP没有,那么就自己写一个获取毫秒时间戳的函数,否则就会失败.实在懒得写,那就拿来主义吧,哈哈. <?php function getMillisecond() { list($t1, $t2) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (float)sprintf…
Code Sign error: Certificate identity 'iPhone Developer: idf (XR9HN3TD7E)' appears more than once in the keychain. The codesign tool requires there only be one. 原因是证书,下载安装重复了,找到安装证书的位置,删除一个就ok了. Code Sign Error: Provisioning Profile can't be found. 右…
E. Sign on Fence time limit per test 4 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Bizon the Champion has recently finished painting his wood fence. The fence consists of a sequence of n panels of 1 meter w…
When I was studying Philosophy at Berkeley, a friend told me that she could tell who was going to be rich and who was not. Fascinating, I thought. But when I asked how, she refused to answer and only said that I would figure it out. So after 20 years…
At the beginning of every day, the first person who signs in the computer room will unlock the door, and the last one who signs out will lock the door. Given the records of signing in's and out's, you are supposed to find the ones who have unlocked a…
经Edwin Chen的推荐,认识了scikit-learn这个非常强大的python机器学习工具包.这个帖子作为笔记.(其实都没有笔记的意义,因为他家文档做的太好了,不过还是为自己记记吧,为以后节省若干分钟).如果有幸此文被想用scikit-learn的你看见,也还是非常希望你去它们的主页看文档.主页中最值得关注的几个部分:User Guide几乎是machine learning的索引,各种方法如何使用都有,Reference是各个类的用法索引. S1. 导入数据 大多数数据的格式都是M个N…