It all started in January 2005 with Critical Patch Updates (CPU).  Then Patch Set Updates (PSU) were added as cumulative patches that included priority fixes as well as security fixes.  As of the October 2012 Critical Patch Update, Oracle has changed…
It all started in January 2005 with Critical Patch Updates (CPU).  Then Patch Set Updates (PSU) were added as cumulative patches that included priority fixes as well as security fixes.  As of the October 2012 Critical Patch Update, Oracle has changed…
什么是CPU/PSU Oracle CPU的全称是Critical Patch Update, Oracle对于其产品每个季度发行一次安全补丁包,通常是为了修复产品中的安全隐患. Oracle PSU的全称是Patch Set Update, Oracle对于其产品每个季度发行一次的补丁包,包含了bug的修复.Oracle选取被用户下载数量多,且被验证过具有较低风险的补丁放入到每个季度的PSU中.在每个PSU中不但包含Bug的修复而且还包含了最新的CPU.PSU通常随CPU一起发布. CPU是累…
Oracle CPU的全称是Critical Patch Update, Oracle对于其产品每个季度发行一次安全补丁包,通常是为了修复产品中的安全隐患,以下是对CPU/PSU补丁安装的具体操作步骤进行了详细的分析介绍,需要的朋友可以参考   什么是CPU/PSU Oracle CPU的全称是Critical Patch Update, Oracle对于其产品每个季度发行一次安全补丁包,通常是为了修复产品中的安全隐患. Oracle PSU的全称是Patch Set Update,Oracle…
当前ORACLE数据库提供两种方式的补丁一种是主动的Proactive Patches和另一种被动的Reactive Patches,其中Reactive Patches是指过去的ONE-OFF Patch,而过去的PSU,SPU/CPU,BP都是Proactive Patches.从12c(起数据库又提供了一个名为DBBP的补丁类型,在数据库安装选择补丁时建议是PSU,CPU,DBBP中的一种,在12c以前至少是安装相应版本的PSU,而从12.1.0.2起想要安装更全的补丁集…
Skip Headers Oracle® Database Patch 19121551 - Database Patch Set Update (Includes CPUOct2014)   Released: October 14, 2014 This document is accurate at the time of release. For any changes and additional information regarding PSU…
Quick Reference to Patch Numbers for Database PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches and Patchsets (文档 ID 1454618.1) In this Document   Purpose   Details   Base Releases   Patchsets   PSU, SPU(CPU), Bundle Patches  …
Opatching PSU in Oracle Database 11g Release 2( RAC on RHEL6 1) 升级opatch工具 1.1) For GI home su - root export GI_HOME=$(grep '^+ASM' /etc/oratab |awk -F: '{ print $2 }') [[ -d "${GI_HOME}/OPatch" ]] && mv ${GI_HOME}/OPatch ${GI_H…
Oracle EBS APP & DB 打补丁过程简述l例子: 打 Patch#   11843100:R12.CAC.B 打PATCH之前先查询一下是否已经有了这个PATCH. SELECT  *  FROM   ad_applied_patches where  patch_name  in  ('11843100','') ;SELECT  *  FROM   ad_bugs  where  bug_number = 11843100 ; Pre-install TasksYou must…
oracle行锁select for update 学习了: 学习了: statement: 一个SQL语句. session: 一个由ORACLE用户产生的连接,一个用户能产生多个SESSION ,但相互之间是独立的. transaction:所有的改动都能划分到transa…