1.下载 Spark安装之前的准备 文件的解压与改名 tar -zxvf spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz rm -rf spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz 为了我后面方便配置spark,在这里我把文件夹的名字给改了 mv spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7 spark-2.2.0----------------------------------------------------------------------------…
1.配置ssh,使集群服务器之间的通讯,不再每次都输入密码进行认证. 2. [root@hc--uatbeta2 hadoop]# start-all.shStarting namenodes on [hc--uatbeta2.novalocal]ERROR: Attempting to operate on hdfs namenode as rootERROR: but there is no HDFS_NAMENODE_USER defined. Aborting operation.Sta…
As a non-Java developer, I am quit stuck in Java environment setting because I am not familiar with Java. I write it down as following, I think it is the best way to write it in /etc/profile: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.8.0_111 export PATH=$JAVA…
Documentation: https://keras.io/ 1. 利用anaconda 管理python库是明智的选择. conda update conda conda update anaconda conda update --all conda install mingw libpython pip install --upgrade --no-deps theano pip install keras 2. 测试theano python执行: import theano the…
如何改变 Visual Studio 的默认环境设置: 1. 工具栏 Tools --> Import and Export Settings... 2. 选择 Reset All Settings,单击 “Next” 3. 选择保存设置的选项,单击“Next” 4. 选择想要设定的编程环境,点击“Finish”. 参考链接:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12084958/changing-default-enviromnent-setting-when-…
WLS(Windows Subsystem for Linux) Base WLS Installation Guide Initializing a newly installed distro WSL Doc More 更改默认源至国内镜像 $ sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.backup # 备份配置文件 $ sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list # 使用vim打开配置文件 # 在vim打开的配…
java 7 jdk http://www.ifunmac.com/2013/04/mac-jdk-7/ http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6dce99b101016744.html eclipse http://jingyan.baidu.com/article/7f41ecece8ef5b593c095c71.html…
Machine Learning for Developers Most developers these days have heard of machine learning, but when trying to find an 'easy' way into this technique, most people find themselves getting scared off by the abstractness of the concept of Machine Learnin…
##Linear Regression with One Variable Linear regression predicts a real-valued output based on an input value. We discuss the application of linear regression to housing price prediction, present the notion of a cost function, and introduce the gradi…