One of the most important use-case in any cloud is provisioning a VM . In this article we shall do a walk through about an instance(VM) being provisioned in a Openstack based cloud. This article deals with the request flow and the component interac…
The Spring MVC request flow in short: When we enter a URL in the browser, the request comes to the dispatcher servlet. The dispatcher servlet then acts as a centralized entry point to the web application. The dispatcher servlet determines a suitable…
1. When we enter a URL in the browser, the request comes to the dispatcher servlet.The dispatcher servlet then acts as a centralized entry point to the web application.2. The dispatcher servlet determines a suitable controller that is capable of hand…
还是先上图吧,无图无真相 别以为真懂Openstack!先别着急骂我,我也没有说我真懂Openstack 我其实很想弄懂Openstack,然而从哪里下手呢?作为程序员,第一个想法当然是代码,Code Talks,什么都可以忽悠,代码是实实在在的,何况原来也深入读过Lucene, Hadoop的源代码,总以为从代码下手,背后的原理变了然了. 说干就干,我喜欢读取代码的方式是按照情景阅读,比如在Lucene中跟踪索引的过程,跟踪搜索的过程,比如在Hadoop中,跟踪写入文件的过程,跟踪Map-Re…
本节讨论 nova-compute,并详细分析 instance 部署的全过程. 先给大家道个歉:今天这篇文章的篇幅比以往要多一些,本来想分两次发,但考虑到文章的完整和系统性,还是一次发了出来,这次可能要超出 5 分钟了,大家见谅. nova-compute 在计算节点上运行,负责管理节点上的 instance. OpenStack 对 instance 的操作,最后都是交给 nova-compute 来完成的. nova-compute 与 Hypervisor 一起实现 OpenStack…
Issue: When you created an instance inside Openstack, you may find that you cannot ping address by domain name in the instance. But ping IP Address directly is OK. For example, ping is OK, but ping will be failed, because…
1.概述 Ceilometer是OpenStack中的一个子项目,它像一个漏斗一样,能把OpenStack内部发生的几乎所有的事件都收集起来,然后为计费和监控以及其它服务提供数据支撑.Ceilometer的核心架构图如下: 图1 Ceilometer的核心架构图 图2 Ceilometer架构模型 2.安装 2.1安装服务 apt-get install ceilometer-api ceilometer-collector ceilometer-agent-central python-cei…
The latest stable release of OpenStack, codenamed Grizzly, revolutionizes the way user authentication works. You may have read some of the few articles available on this new authentication scheme. This post attempts to capture the full scope of this…
学习 openstack 的系列文章 - Nova Nova 基本概念 Nova 架构 openstack Log Nova 组件介绍 Nova 操作介绍 1. Nova 基本概念 Nova 是 openstack 最核心的服务,负责管理和维护云环境的计算资源,虚拟机的生命周期管理就是通过 Nova 来实现的 . 2. Nova 架构 2.1 Nova 基本组件 如上图所示,Nova 由多个组件构成,这些组件以子服务的形式运行 . 举例,通过  systemctl status openstac…
概述 资源规划 Undercloud Installation Overcloud Installation Trouble Shooting 附录 本指南介绍了如何使用 Red Hat OpenStack Platform director 在企业级环境中安装 Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10 的信息.这包括合理规划 OSP 10资源.部署 director 以及通过 director 安装 undercloud 和 overcloud 从而创建一个 OpenStac…