题意: You are given a long long n. Return the largest divisor of n that is a perfect square. That is, the correct return value is x if and only if: x divides n There is an integer y such that x = y*y. x is the largest integer that satisfies conditions…
250: 题目大意: 在一个N行无限大的网格图里,每经过一个格子都要付出一定的代价.同一行的每个格子代价相同. 给出起点和终点,求从起点到终点的付出的最少代价. 思路: 最优方案肯定是从起点沿竖直方向走到某一行,然后沿水平方向走到终点那一列,然后再沿竖直方向走到终点那一行. 枚举是通过哪一行的格子从起点那列走到终点那列的,求个最小值就好了. 代码: // BEGIN CUT HERE // END CUT HERE #line 5 "LongMansionDiv1.cpp" #incl…
TopCoder入门 http://acmicpc.info/archives/164?tdsourcetag=s_pctim_aiomsg 本文根据经典的TC教程完善和改编.TopCoder:http://www.topcoder.com/ 基本规则TopCoder的比赛类型很多,最常见的是周赛SRM(Single Round Match),另外还有TCHS SRM(TopCoder High School SRM,题目和SRM一样,仅限中学生参加,参赛者水平较低,据说涨rating很容易),…
Season 1, Episode 18: Bluff -Michael: Scofield Scofield Michael Scofield Michael Scofield -Patoshik: Doesn't ring a bell 记不起来 -Michael: wind back a while in Gen Pop Cell 40 cell: 囚室 回忆一下大牢房40号囚室? -Patoshik: Gen Pop 大牢房 -Michael: General Population. O…