============================================================================= ISO7816 (part 1-3) asynchronous smartcard information ================================================================…
5.2 异步事件请求命令 异步事件用于当状态.错误.健康信息这些事件发生时通知主机软件.为了使能这个controller报告的异步事件,主机软件需要提交一个或多个异步事件请求命令到controller.controller通过完成一个异步事件请求命令到主机来详细描述一个事件.主机软件应当期望controller可能不是立即执行这个命令,当有一个事件需要报告给主机时这种命令才会被完成. 异步事件请求命令由主机软件提交来使能从controller的异步事件报告.这种命令不会超时.当有一个异步事件时c…
The NSOperationQueue class regulates the execution of a set of NSOperation objects. After being added to a queue, an operation remains in that queue until it is explicitly canceled or finishes executing its task. Operations within the queue (but not…
1.前言 UART实现与外设或CPU的通信 2. UART概述 2.1基本特性 (1)Full-duplex operation (2)Standard mark/space non-return-to-zero (NRZ) format? (3)Selectable IrDA 1.4 return-to-zero-inverted (RZI) format with programmable pulse width? (4)13-bit baud rate selection with /32…
These days there’s a wealth of information about the new async and await support in the Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. This article is intended as a “second step” in learning asynchronous programming; I assume that you’ve read at least one introductor…
USART簡介與特性 NRZ標準資料格式(Mark/Space) 半雙工/全雙工 Synchronous 同步傳輸 CLOCK SKEW Asynchronous 非同步傳輸 半/全雙工.同步/非同步 & Serial bus 示意圖 RS232 介面標準 RS-232電器與機械特性 RS-232訊號傳輸 STM32 USART介紹與特性 USART Block Diagram USART data frame & M bit 10種中斷 3個傳輸檢測標誌 Tx傳送器 資料的傳送 傳送器的…
关于stm32 smartcard功能调试,官方提供的例程是配合8024芯片进行控制的.程序可从地址:下载. 经过摸索,终于调试出不用8024的程序设计. 首先确定电路连接,stm32的USART3_CK(PB12)连接到接触式IC卡的CLK端(触点4),stm32的USART3_TX(PB10)连接到接触式IC卡的IO端(触点3),然后stm32选一个G…
使用overlapped I/O并搭配event对象-----win32多线程-异步(asynchronous) I/O事例,会产生两个基础性问题. 第一个问题是,使用WaitForMultipleObjects(),你只能等待最多达MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS个对象,在Windows NT中此值最大为64. 第二个问题是,你必须不断根据“那一个handle被激发”而计算如何反应.你必须有一个分派表格(dispatch table)和WaitForMultipleObjects()的…
Every now and again someone comes along and writes an R package that I consider to be a 'game changer' for the language and it's application to Data Science. For example, I consider dplyr one such package as it has made data munging/manipulation that…
Linux Asynchronous I/O Explained (Last updated: 13 Apr 2012) ******************************************************************************* by Vasily Tarasov <tarasov AT vasily dot name> Asynchronoes I/O (AIO) is a method for performing I/O operati…