Markdown版本笔记 我的GitHub首页 我的博客 我的微信 我的邮箱 MyAndroidBlogs baiqiantao baiqiantao bqt20094 混合开发 Hybird Ionic Angular Cordova web 跨平台 MD 目录 目录IonicIonic 简介Ionic 和 Cordova/PhoneGap 的关系零基础案例环境配置下载淘宝镜像 cnpm安装 ionic查看 ionic 可以创建的模板项目编写创建 ion…
At Stackify, we understand the amount of effort that goes into creating great applications. That’s why we build tools for Application Performance Management (APM), log management, and a whole suite of application support tools (in one solution) to ma…
常用的到的网站 vue学习库: (json数据的格式化,提高本地测试的效率) json在线编辑: //提供fake的数据: /posts 100 posts/comments 500 comments/albums 100 albums/…
原文地址: Every developer must understand two things: Architecture design is necessary. Fancy architecture diagrams don’t descri…
本文由云+社区发表 作者: 原文:<Using JavaScript modules on the web> 译者序 JS modules,即ES6的模块化特性,通过 <scripttype="modules">可以实现不经过打包直接在浏览器中import/export,此玩法确实让人眼前一亮. 先看看 <scripttype=&q…
原文: ---------------------------------------- I wanted to do a short story to briefly explain to those who are not familiar with ngx-translate in Angu…
Common models will be a sub models for category and bookmarks. Because they are used everywhere. For bookmarks edit and create, all they need is a common sub module. bookmarks.js needs create and edit modules and two common sub modules. category.js n…
Flux is an architectural pattern based on unidirectional data flow. Although it is originated in the React community, it is general and can be used with any non-opinionated framework. In this article I will show how to use it with Angular. WHAT IS FL…
现象:angular Cannot find module 'angular-in-memory-web-api'报错找不动“angular-in-memory-web-api”模块 解决:1.控制台运行 npm install angular-in-memory-web-api --save2.重启服务 ng serve…
We build a project according to its features or based on simple MVC structure. Put all controller into one folder and factory into another folder is hard to maintain and testing. For this project, we have two main features Category Bookmark And one C…