sql server 2008卸载之后再次安装一直报错问题. 第一:由于上一次的卸载不干净,可参照百度完全卸载sql server2008 的方式 1. 用WindowsInstaller删除所有与SQL2008安装有关的文件,包括以下: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Browser Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client Microsoft SQL Server 2008…
最近帮一个客户搭建跨洋的合并复制,由于数据库非常大,跨洋网络条件不稳定,因此只能通过备份初始化,在初始化完成后向海外订阅端插入数据时发现报出如下错误: Msg 548, Level 16, State 2, Line 2 The insert failed. It conflicted with an identity range check constraint in database %s, replicated table %s, column %s. If the identit…
最近帮一个客户搭建跨洋的合并复制,由于数据库非常大,跨洋网络条件不稳定,因此只能通过备份初始化,在初始化完成后向海外订阅端插入数据时发现报出如下错误: Msg 548, Level 16, State 2, Line 2 The insert failed. It conflicted with an identity range check constraint in database %s, replicated table %s, column %s. If the identity co…
系统版本: CentOS 7.3Apache 2.4 Django 1.11 问题描述 Django项目涉及上传操作,上传文件名称含有中文,若使用runserver启动服务,没有问题!若将Django项目部署到Apache服务器上,若上传含有中文的文件名则报错: ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 53-56: ordinal not in range(128) 解决方法: vi /etc/sysconfig/httpd #LANG=…
在eclipse启动tomcat时遇到超时45秒的问题: Server Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost was unable to start within 45 seconds. If the server requires more time, try increasing the timeout in the server editor. 网上解决办法. 1.在 eclipse菜单->window->preferencs里找到server 中最下面一项:s…
Installation Do I need to install pip? pip is already installed if you are using Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4 downloaded from python.org or if you are working in a Virtual Environment created by virtualenv or pyvenv. Just make sure to upgrade…