query = new query('Query name'); queryBuildDataSource = query.dataSourceTable(tableNum('table name')); queryBuildDataSource.clearRange(fieldNum('Table name','Field name')); queryBuildRange = queryBuildDataSource.addRange(fieldNum('Table name','Field…
Chrome disable cache & clear memory cache disable cache…
微信小程序ajax向后台传递参数的时候总是报400错误 然后看了一下network 发现是query string parameters,但是我写的header如下 header:{ "Content-Type":'json' } 所以小程序总是报400 未完待续.... 附对照表 待完善 header:{ "Content-type":'json' }  Request Payload header:{ "Content-type":'x-ww…
Query String Parameters 当发起一次GET请求时,参数会以url string的形式进行传递.即?后的字符串则为其请求参数,并以&作为分隔符. 如下http请求报文头: // General Request URL: http://foo.com?x=1&y=2 Request Method: GET // Query String Parameters x=1&y=2 Form Data 当发起一次POST请求时,若未指定content-type,则默认co…
Below is the small code snippet to get the underlying query of the SSRS report, reset query, prompt the parameters form, add our own ranges and execute the report. You can customize the job as per your requirements. Below I have used CustBaseData.Rep…
题目大意是:对于(n, m)的图,给定边a, b查询从a到b要经过的割点的最少数目. 先tarjan算法求双连通然后缩点,即对于每个割点将周围的每个双连通看成一个点与之相连.然后求解LCA即可,距离dis[u]表示从根出发到u的遍历过程中经过的割顶的数目,利用 tarjan离线算法, 最后答案是:dis[u] + dis[v] - 2*dis[findset(v)] + (findset(v) > bcc_cnt).注意findset(v) > bcc_cnt表示当LCA(u,v) 为割顶时的…
Problem Description This is a simple problem. The teacher gives Bob a list of problems about GCD (Greatest Common Divisor). After studying some of them, Bob thinks that GCD is so interesting. One day, he comes up with a new problem about GCD. Easy as…
Chapter 14. HQL: The Hibernate Query Language 14.1. Case Sensitivity 14.2. The from clause 14.3. Associations and joins 14.4. Forms of join syntax 14.5. Referring to identifier property 14.6. The select clause 14.7. Aggregate functions 14.8. Polymorp…
本文转自:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/web-api/overview/odata-support-in-aspnet-web-api/supporting-odata-query-options by Mike Wasson OData defines parameters that can be used to modify an OData query. The client sends these parameters in the q…
Object Query Language (OQL) OQL is SQL-like query language to query Java heap. OQL allows to filter/select information wanted from Java heap. While pre-defined queries such as "show all instances of class X" are already supported by HAT, OQL add…
以下内容参考官方文档:http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/windows-start-command-line.html 解压缩zip到D:\mysql-5.7.13-winx64,建立data目录D:\mysql-5.7.13-winx64\data, 在D:\mysql-5.7.13-winx64创建配置文件my.ini,详见: [mysqld] # set basedir to your installation path basedir=D:\m…
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff647787.aspx Retired Content This content is outdated and is no longer being maintained. It is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies. This page may contain URLs that we…
In this post, I will give a list of all undocumented parameters in Oracle Here is a query to see all the parameters (documented and undocumented) which contain the string you enter when prompted: – Enter name of the parameter when prompted…
第一节 ElasticSearch概述 ElasticSearch是一个基于Lucene的搜索服务器.它提供了一个分布式多用户能力的全文搜索引擎,基于RESTfull web接口.ElasticSearch是用java开发的,设计用户云计算当中,能够达到实时搜索. 概述:ElasticSearch是基于RESTfulweb标准的高扩展高可用性的实时数据分析的全文搜索工具 1.1 ElasticSearch的基本概念 Index 类似于MySQL数据库中的database Type 类似于MySQ…
CURL下载 在windows的系统环境变量中,将CURL的路径(curl.exe存放的路径)复制到"Path"变量的结尾 Usage: curl [options...] <url> Options: (H) means HTTP/HTTPS only, (F) means FTP only --anyauth Pick "any" authentication method (H) -a, --append Append to target file…
[oracle@enmo ~]$ mysql --help mysql Ver , for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper Copyright (c) , , Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be…
转载自http://wenzhang.baidu.com/article/view?key=076f36658dd0828c-1393896446 This article explains how to install CentOS 6.4 and CUDA5 on a PC, which is equipped with Tesla K20. ↑ The specification of hardware is shown below CPU: Core i7 3770(3.4GHz,4co…
档 ID 420787.1 White Paper Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Access Control for Custom Code Checked for relevance on 12-JAN-2011 See Change Record This document discusses how to update the customization code that is affected by the access con…
mysqlslap 可以用于模拟服务器的负载,并输出计时信息.其被包含在 MySQL 5.1 的发行包中.测试时,可以指定并发连接数,可以指定 SQL 语句.如果没有指定 SQL 语句,mysqlslap 会自动生成查询 schema 的 SELECT 语句. 1. 查看帮助信息 [root@davy libmysql]# mysqlslap --help mysqlslap Ver , for Linux (x86_64) Copyright (c) , , Oracle and/or its…
[user@localhost ~]$ curl -h Usage: curl [options...] <url> Options: (H) means HTTP/HTTPS only, (F) means FTP only --anyauth Pick "any" authentication method (H) -a, --append Append to target file when uploading (F/SFTP) --basic Use HTTP Ba…
一.题目链接 http://hihocoder.com/problemset/problem/1079 二.题意 给定一个长度为L的区间,给你n个子区间,没一个区间涂成一种颜色,问最后这个区间内有几种不同的颜色. 三.思路 这题和http://poj.org/problem?id=2528题意几乎一模一样,所以,我一开始就毫不犹豫地把POJ这题的思路重新敲了一遍,样例一测,没问题,提交上去,WA.然后,我意识到了,因为POJ的这题数据特别水,对于[1, 10],[1, 4],[6, 10]这种样…
==>(微信公众号:IT知更鸟)欢迎关注<^>@<^> Chrome浏览器及调试教程 在web开发过程中,我们在写JavaScript脚本时难免会遇到各种bug,这时,我们就需要去调试我们的JavaScript脚本,然后去修改代码.最简单的调试方法就是使用alert方法,将可信息通过alert方法的弹窗显示出来.但是,alert方法有几个弊端: 1)alert方法在弹出窗口时会中断程序: 2)在循环中使用alert()方法时,如果不点击alert弹窗的确定按钮,下一个aler…
检测并重启脚本:checkAndRestart.sh #!/bin/bash nowpath=$(cd ")";pwd) source $nowpath/omcparam.properties nowtime=`date --date='0 days ago' "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S"` daytime=`date --date='0 days ago' "+%Y%m%d"` function log(){ >> $nowpat…
curl命令行--强大的工具.通过各种参数,支持各种方式. 写几个常用的命令: 请求到的网站html curl http://www.baidu.com 比如想在命令行上请求一个接口,post过去几个参数 curl -d "a=12&b=cc&d=1" "http://xx/yy/sign" 在请求中带上请求头header,多个header参数可以写多个H参数 curl -H 'OPCODE: 123456'…
curl命令的基本使用 作者:尹正杰 版权声明:原创作品,谢绝转载!否则将追究法律责任. curl是基于URL语法在命令行方式下工作的文件传输工具,它支持FTP,FTPS,HTTP,HTTPS,GOPHER,TELNET,DICT,FILE及LDAP等协议.curl支持HTTPS认证,并且支持HTTP的POST,PUT等方法,FTP上传,kerberos认证,HTTP上传,代理服务器,cookies,用户名/密码认证,通过http代理服务器上传文件到FTP服务器等等,功能十分强大.     一.…
In this post, I will give a list of all undocumented parameters in Oracle 11g. Here is a query to see all the parameters (documented and undocumented) which contain the string you enter when prompted: – Enter name of the parameter when prompted SET l…
原文链接: https://my.oschina.net/moooofly/blog/152547 连接数据库: # mysqlslap -h localhost -uroot -p123456 --concurrency=50 模拟客户--iterations=200 执行多少次--number-int-cols=2 2个int 类型--number-char-cols=3 3个vachar类型--auto-generate-sql 自动生成sql--query=query.sql --que…
1,压缩备份: tar cfvj /tmp/test.tar.bz2  /tmp/test tar cfvz /tmp/test.tar.gz  /tmp/test tar xfvj /tmp/test.tar.bz2 tar xfvz /tm/test.tar.gz 解释:tar为打包指令, c:打包, f:生成目标文件, v:显示压缩过程, j:压缩后的格式为bz2, z:压缩后的格式为gz, x:解包: 查看一下压缩包的内容:tar ftz /tmp/test.tar.bz2: lande…
https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/capabilities http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/selenium-chromedriver ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome Search this site     Capabilities & ChromeOptions Capabilities are options that you…
private string args = "";          /// <summary>         /// 参数         /// </summary>         public string Args { get { return args; } set { args = value; } } /// <summary>         /// 设置参数         /// </summary>       …