Here are some tips that help you with the transformation: Each entity table is represented by a label on nodes Each row in a entity table is a node Columns on those tables become node properties. Remove technical primary keys, keep business primary k…
After you have introduced a data model, you may need to have the application populate the database with a predefined set of objects. In this topic, you will learn how to add data to the database in code when the application runs. For this purpose, th…
This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the XPO Data Model Designer in XAF applications. We will create a simple business model consisting of two objects - Employee and Task. These objects will be linked with a one-to-many relatio…
Dev 401-003:Application Essential:Building Your Data Model Object Relationships1.Link two objects- Parent to child- One to Many2.Two main Types:- Look up- Master- Detail3.Two special types:- Self- Many to many Lookkup Relationships1.Loosely coupled-…
Create Entity Data Model: Here, we are going to create an Entity Data Model (EDM) for SchoolDB database and understand the basic building blocks. Entity Data Model is a model that describes entities and the relationships between them. Let's create fi…
If you have a non-XAF application, and want to develop an XAF application that utilizes the same database, you can generate business classes for an existing database to achieve this task. However, if your existing application is based on the Entity F…
写在前面 阅读目录: 设计误区 数据库已死 枚举映射 关联映射 后记 在上一篇<一缕阳光:DDD(领域驱动设计)应对具体业务场景,如何聚焦 Domain Model(领域模型)?>博文中,探讨的是如何聚焦领域模型(抛开一些干扰因素,才能把精力集中在领域模型的设计上)?需要注意的是,上一篇我讲的并不是如何设计领域模型(本篇也是)?而是如何聚焦领域模型,领域模型的设计是个迭代过程,不能一概而论,还在路上. 当有一个简单的领域模型用例,完成一个从上而下过程的时候,就需要对领域模型和数据库进行对象关系…
Microsoft Entity Framework是一个对象关系映射工具(Object Relational Mapping ,O/RM)工具.它可以让你从一个数据库自动地生成数据接入层.实体框架免去了你手工创建数据接入层的乏味工作.ADO.NET 实体数据模型可以映射数据库与数据表,也可以映射模型类.它是关系数据库与面向对象系统的桥梁,闲话少说,就让我们举个简单的例子来解析它吧!  Model First方式创建数据库 1.启动VS2010.创建一个Console application(控…
data方法也是模型类的连贯操作方法之一,用于设置当前要操作的数据对象的值,可能大家不太习惯用这个方法,今天来讲解下如何用好data方法. 用法 写操作 通常情况下我们都是通过create方法或者赋值的方式生成数据对象,然后写入数据库,例如: $Model = D('User'); $Model->create(); // 这里略过具体的自动生成和验证判断 $Model->add(); 又或者直接对数据对象赋值,例如: $Model = M('User'); $Model->name =…
Github地址:Mask_RCNN 『计算机视觉』Mask-RCNN_论文学习 『计算机视觉』Mask-RCNN_项目文档翻译 『计算机视觉』Mask-RCNN_推断网络其一:总览 『计算机视觉』Mask-RCNN_推断网络其二:基于ReNet101的FPN共享网络 『计算机视觉』Mask-RCNN_推断网络其三:RPN锚框处理和Proposal生成 『计算机视觉』Mask-RCNN_推断网络其四:FPN和ROIAlign的耦合 『计算机视觉』Mask-RCNN_推断网络其五:目标检测结果精炼…