一,引言 今天额外分享一篇 AWS 的技术内容,需要在 EC2 切换到跨账号 IAM 角色(AWS CLI).假设我们使用两个 AWS 账户,A账号,B账号.我们希望允许 A 账号用于 "iam-role-iam-readonly" 的 AWS IAM Role 的只读权限.而 EC2 实例却位于 B 账户中.该实例包含 "iam-role-ec2" 实例配置文件角色,我们希望 "iam-role-ec2" 允许跨账户 A 中的 IAM Role…
(c) 2014 Amazon Web Services, Inc. and its afflialtes, All rights reserved. The content in this file is copied from qwikLABS - Automating AWS Services with Scripting and the AWS CLI Please respect the rights. Putty: a Secure Shell(SSH) client that wi…