CVPR2013-reading list】的更多相关文章

My deep learning reading list 主要是顺着Bengio的PAMI review的文章找出来的.包括几本综述文章,将近100篇论文,各位山头们的Presentation.全部都可以在google上找到.BTW:由于我对视觉尤其是检测识别比较感兴趣,所以关于DL的应用主要都是跟Vision相关的.在其他方面比如语音或者NLP,很少或者几乎没有.个人非常看好CNN和Sparse Autoencoder,这个list也反映了我的偏好,仅供参考. Review Book Lis…
Even relatively new C programmers have no trouble reading simple C declarations such as int foo[5]; // foo is an array of 5 ints char *foo; // foo is a pointer to char double foo(); // foo is a function returning a double but as the declarations get…
Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://localhost:9001/api/size/get. (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing). 打开API项目录,命名用NuGet安装Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Cors: 在WebApiCon…
Today I begin to learn to use Git. I learn from Pro Git. And I recommend it which is an excellent book. Some Ideas: Git is a Distributed Version Control System and it is brilliant. And we know that DDoS attack is famous and distributed as well. So, d…
最近远程连接mysql总是提示 Lost connection 很明显这是连接初始化阶段就丢失了连接的错误 其实问题很简单,都是MySQL的配置文件默认没有为远程连接配置好,只需要更改下MySQL的配置文件即可.具体的解决步骤如下:找到并修改my.cnf文件.在不同的Linux系统下,my.cnf放在不同的位置.这里以Ubuntu Server做示例,其他系统请根据情况自行找到my.cnf的路径.一般只会存放在/etc/my.cnf或者/etc/mysql/my.cnf下.首先用vim打开my.…
Weilin Huang--[AAAI2016]Reading Scene Text in Deep Convolutional Sequences 目录 作者和相关链接 方法概括 创新点和贡献 方法细节 实验结果 问题讨论 总结与收获点 参考文献 作者和相关链接 论文下载 黄伟林主页 , 乔宇,汤晓欧 所有作者 方法概括 解决问题:单词识别 主要流程:maxout版的CNN提取特征,RNN(LSTM)进行分类,CTC对结果进行调整.整个流程端到端训练和测试,和白翔的CRNN(参考文献1)方法几…
Flesch Reading Ease Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Description Flesch Reading Ease, a readability test named after its deviser Rudolf Flesch, is among most ubiquitously used readability tests, which are principally employed for assessment of…
今天在开发过程中,一个单位跑的好好的项目,在家中的Mac下运行时,遇到了下面这个错误:   "Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet, system error: 61"   看错误描述应该是无法连接数据库,OK,我先检查数据库是否正常工作,phpmyadmin看了一下一切正常.   看了一下数据库配置:hostname 使用的是,看了一下网上的解决方案,大多是…
Memory, is a complex module in Programing, especially on Windows. This time, I use cpp with win windows api{ VirtualQueryEx();         //Get the available memory page(block) ReadProcessMemory();  //Read the specific memory LookupPrivilegeValue(); //G…
当执行service nagios start启动nagios时,报错:Error: Cannot open main configuration file '//start' for reading! 此问题是修改了nagios安装源文件导致的报错.如报此问题,请执行如下命令,便可解决: /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 -d -o root -g root /etc/rc.d/init.d /usr/bin/install -c -m 755 -o root -g roo…
初次接触spring mvc,想做一个小的练习项目,结果在ftl文件中引用其它的共通ftl文件时出错.…
环境:在VirtualBox中安装了Ubuntu虚拟机,网络使用了NAT模式,开启了端口转发. 局域网内其他计算机访问虚拟机中的MySQL Server出现两个问题: Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet, system error: 0 以及 host is not allowed to connect mysql 1.解决Lost connection to MySQL server…
重新用Sublime Text, command+B运行一小段python程序时遇到 EOFError: EOF when reading a line 似曾相识哪里见过,但是想不起来该如何解决了 StackOverflow是个好地方 参考这里 ,Sublime Text的默认控制台是不支持输入的. 我这一小段代码中有这个: h = input('Please input your height(m): ') 因此会出错.解决方法是装个插件使能输入,或者在ST写好了去交互环境中验证.…
Reading With Purpose: A grand experiment This is the preface to a set of notes I'm writing for a seminar this semester. It will be a fun and bumpy ride ! Reading research papers in mathematical disciplines takes training. A student’s natural tendency…
I can`t help surfing the useless bbs and some other kind of SNS. The time I begin to do it, it costs me a long to stop and do normal work. I just can`t stop. fuck! My boss asks me to report to him every week and forces me to make plun for next week.…
Jessica's Reading Problem 题目大意:Jessica期末考试临时抱佛脚想读一本书把知识点掌握,但是知识点很多,而且很多都是重复的,她想读最少的连续的页数把知识点全部掌握(知识点都在书上,每一页都是一个知识点) 这一题可以用3061的游标卡尺法,我们可以先数数书上倒到底有多少个知识点,因为知识点都是序数,我们可以用二分法直接找到O(PlogP),这里可以采用set模板直接偷懒了,然后我们就可以用游标卡尺法了,因为所有知识点都要出现一次,所以我们统计新的知识点的出现就好了,最…
winedt打开.tex文件时会出现reading error,然后看不到任何文字.   解决办法:先打开空白的winedt,然后点击open,找到该.tex文件,将文件名右侧的 default 改为 UFT8 ,点击打开,OK.    …
Introduction A common requirement is to have applications share data with other programs. Although there are interfaces available to work with, for example, Microsoft Excel data files, this approach is generally complex, involves a fair amount of ove…
WCF服务接口多,客户端在引用时出错!报WCF The maximum nametable character count quota (16384) has been exceeded while reading XML data错误 在服务端中定义接口太多时,在客户端的服务引用时,报错误: 元数据包含无法解析的引用:“net.tcp://localhost:8081/BaseData/mex”.    XML 文档中有错误.    读取 XML 数据时,超出最大名称表字符计数配额 (1638…
Deep Learning Papers Reading Roadmap Courses: Data Science: Deep Learning in Python Bay Area Deep Learning Sc…
Reading sources: 1.Johannes Braumann, Sigrid Brell-Cokcan, Adaptive Robot Control (ARC  ) Note: building upon an as of yet unnamed interface from KUKA that utilizes generic UDP packets to communicate with and control KUKA robots. use every network-ca…
The Acceptance Test Engineering Guide will provide guidance for technology stakeholders (developers, development leads, testers, test leads, architects, etc.) and business stakeholders (managers, customers, end users, etc) on the discipline of accept…
Jessica's Reading Problem Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 6001   Accepted: 1800 Description Jessica's a very lovely girl wooed by lots of boys. Recently she has a problem. The final exam is coming, yet she has spent littl…
问题 Laravel说明文档中的 Redis 发布与订阅案例,命令行运行php artisan redis:subscribe 到60s自动断开并报错 [Predis\Connection\ConnectionException] Error while reading line from the server. [tcp://] 解决 在config/database.php配置文件中,找到redis配置项,添加一行如下 'redis' => [ 'cluster'…
今天在使用Navicat连一个远程mysql时,总是提示连接不成功,提示Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet 但mysql服务已经启动 百度查之,终于找到解决方法如下: 修改hosts.allow vi /etc/hosts.allow #加mysqld : ALL : ALLOW mysqld-max : ALL :ALLOW 再次连接,但又提示can't connect to mysq…
我刚装就发现winedt打开一些.tex文件时会出现reading error,然后看不到任何文字(网上有人讨论打开是乱码的问题,但是我的是完全看不到任何东西),我的系统winxp,网上有人说好像是和那个utf-8编码有关,因为utf-8的文件都打不开的,但本人无从知晓是否与utf-8编码有关.   但是本人猜测,打不开的文件应该是和文件的编码或者winedt本身有关系.因为本人先用Miktex子菜单的texworks可以顺利地打开这些winedt打不开的tex文件,并且能够顺利编译生成pdf文…
一个POS系统,出现upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream错误. 1.反向代理端,可以放到server中:        client_header_buffer_size 128k;        large_client_header_buffers 4 128k;        proxy_buffer_size 64k;        proxy_buffers 8 64k;    …
ubuntu 下安装python开发包,执行命令 sudo apt-get install python-dev,报错: Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/AZ.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_main_i18n _Translation…
Below is the example to read and import comma delimited csv file in oracle forms with D2k_Delimited_String package. This package is available in D2kdlstr.pll library.To download D2kdlstr.Pll Click HereCreate the following procedure in program unit of…
New Year is coming, and Jaehyun decided to read many books during 2015, unlike this year. He has n books numbered by integers from 1 to n. The weight of the i-th (1 ≤ i ≤ n) book is wi. As Jaehyun's house is not large enough to have a bookshelf, he k…