Description Mr. O'Cruel is teaching Math to ninth grade students. Students of course are very lazy, so they do not like to do their homework. On the other side, Mr. O'Cruel doesn't like lazy students. Recently Andrew failed to do his homework again,…
很不错的一道题,很让我见识到了差分序列的运用的神奇之处..一下是从北邮BBS看到的题解,写得很清楚..这边就直接转过来. uRL!article/ACM_ICPC/33403 ********************************************************************** 其实是挺简单的一个题目,希望大家都看看    给出一个多项式p(x)=a[n]*x^n+...+a[1]*x+a[0],并给初始x值L,和数m,…
In this lesson you will learn to describe people, things, and feelings.在本课中,您将学习如何描述人,事和感受. STARTER    How tall are they? He's very tall She's tall She's not very tall WORD CONNECTIONS  Look at the pictures,Please use above words answer. 1.The man is…
一.            设有一数据库,包括四个表:学生表(Student).课程表(Course).成绩表(Score)以及教师信息表(Teacher).四个表的结构分别如表1-1的表(一)~表(四)所示,数据如表1-2的表(一)~表(四)所示.用SQL语句创建四个表并完成相关题目. 表1-1数据库的表结构 表(一)Student (学生表) 字段名 数据类型 可否为空 含 义 Sno Varchar2(3) 否 学号(主键) Sname Varchar2(8) 否 学生姓名 Ssex Va…
  Culture Insider: Teacher's Day in ancient China 2016-09-10 CHINADAILY Today is the 32nd Chinese Teacher's Day – a festival celebrating the 2,300-year tradition of respecting teachers and education in China. It's similar to the birthday of Confucius…
大神博客链接 这道题的差分序列从没看过,公式题. 先构造从0到m的第p阶差分序列,算出0^p,1^p,...,p^p,填入表的第一行: 然后前向差分,求出以下所有(p-1)~1阶部分的差分表,差分表的最左边一竖行记作C0.C1...Cp. 令C[n+1][1]=n,用递推构造C[n+1][1]~C[n+1][p+1]的组合数打个一维表C[]: 最后利用C0*C[1]+C1*C[2]+...…
Don't make a promise when you are in Joy. Don't reply when you are Sad.Don't take decisions when you are Angry.Think Twice.Act Wise. 当你喜悦时,不要轻易地承诺.当你悲伤时,不要轻易地回复.当你愤怒时,不要轻易做出决定.三思而后行,明智之法.…
<%@page import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat"%> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@ page import="java.sql.*"%> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLI…
Content: Class1 My name is Prince Class2 Welcome to our hotel Class3 We’re not afraid of problems Class4 Doing a job that you like Class5 We should take good care of our eyes Class6 A dog is man's best friend Class7 Knowledge is power Class8 Importan…
Teacher Bo Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 131072/131072 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1014    Accepted Submission(s): 561 Problem Description Teacher BoBo is a geography teacher in the school.One day in his class,he mar…