R for installing package 'omg'】的更多相关文章

The time i have tried to install the package named 'PODBC'  and it worked. But now i meet a problem with package named 'pmg' again. > install.packages('pmg',dep=T) package ‘pmg’ is available as a source package but not as a binary I choose 'package &am…
Today, i try to install a package in R named 'DOBDC', while i meet a message: > install.packages('RODBC') package ‘RODBC’ is available as a source package but not as a binary 警告信息:package ‘RODBC’ is not available (for R version 3.1.2) Then, i opened…
In the last years a lot of data has been released publicly in different formats, but sometimes the data we're interested in are still inside the HTML of a web page: let's see how to get those data. One of the existing packages for doing this job is t…
It has been possible for some years to launch a web map from within R. A number of packages for doing this are available, including: RgoogleMaps, an interface to the Google Maps api leafletR, an early package for creating Leaflet maps with R rCharts,…
http://www.sthda.com/english/wiki/create-and-format-word-documents-using-r-software-and-reporters-package Install and load the ReporteRs R package Create a simple Word document Add texts : title and paragraphs of texts Format the text of a Word docum…
目录 1. 更新R(不推荐) 2. 更改或指定镜像源 3.源码安装 安装R包时这个错误是经常见到的.我认为有几个方法可解决,记录之. 1. 更新R(不推荐) 简单粗暴的方法就是更新R,但这波及的范围太大了,不到万不得已不建议. 2. 更改或指定镜像源 出现这个问题很有可能是你现在用的镜像中未纳入这个包,一是可以多换个源试试.如: install.packages('package-name',repos='http://cran.us.r-project.org') 或,在Rstudio中可以:…
https://www.r-project.org/ http://cos.name/2013/08/r-rjava-java/ http://blog.csdn.net/hwssg/article/details/39177959 目录 rJava介绍 rJava安装 rJava实现R调用Java rJava(JRI)实现Java调用R (win7) rJava(JRI)实现Java调用R (Ubuntu) 1. rJava介绍 rJava是一个R语言和Java语言的通信接口,通过底层JNI实…
结合实际的工作环境,在开始R研究的时候,首先着手收集的就是能以Web方式发布R运行结果的基础框架,无耐的是,R一直以来常使用于个人电脑的客户端程序上,大家习惯性的下载R安装包,在自己的电脑上安装 --> 写算法 --> 运行 --> 以贴图或者文档的形式发表自己的作品.花了较长时间,终于找着了一套框架基本满足要求,即FastRWeb (Fast Interactive Web Framework for Data Mining Using R),参考 (http://www.rforge…
操作系统:centos 6.4 64bit R语言可以使用RMySQL来连接Mysql数据库,直接使用数据库里面的数据生成图像. 这个是RMYSQL的说明: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RMySQL/index.html RMYSQL的依赖: Depends:R (≥ 2.8.0), methods, DBI (≥ 0.2-2), utils 当然了,你得安装好mysql,至少安装mysqlclient,这个在本文就不描述了,网上很多. 根据前面…
1. Pryr安装 由于项目pryr,还没有发布到CRAN,仅支持从github安装.要使用devtools包来通过github来安装,在https://github.com/hadley/pryr中给出了安装pryr的方法.由于我的电脑之前并没有安装devtools,所以先从安装devtools开始. 安装的环境为: linux:Linux version 3.19.0-16-generic (buildd@komainu) R:R version 3.1.2 Platform: x86_64…