[PWA] 1. Intro to Service worker】的更多相关文章

Service worker stays between our browser and noetwork requests. It can help to fetch data from cache and cache the data from Internet. To get our service worker, we need to : Register the service worker. Service worker in our code is just a javascirp…
In some rare cases, you need to ask user to refresh the browsser to update the version. Maybe because some secrity issues. As we have learnt so far. And code change will generate a new service work in the waiting list. Unitl the current service worke…
Once serive worker is registered, the first time we go to the app, we cannot see the logs from servcie works. Any only refersh it second time, then we able to see the logs. Once we change service worker, it doesn't seem that we have change it. The No…
Service Workers get installed and activated in the background, but until we reload the page they don’t take full control in the app. Showing a notification is a good way to let the user know that there is a new version of the app. In this lesson I’ll…
Get Started(开始) 只有get请求才能cache缓存吗? Create and Register a Service Worker File(创建和注册 Service Worker) Before we can use Workbox, we need to create a service worker file and register it to our website.(在使用Workbox之前,我们需要创建一个服务工作者文件并将其注册到我们的网站.) <script>…
很多人,包括我自己,初看Service Worker多一个Cache Storage的时候,就感觉跟HTTP长缓存没什么区别. 例如大家讲的最多的Service Worker能让网页离线使用,但熟悉HTTP缓存的朋友,会发现,把整站所有资源设置为长缓存(不带校验),也可以实现离线使用. 那么,Service Worker在缓存方面和HTTP缓存比较,有什么好处呢? 带着这个疑问,我翻阅了一些大神博客 JakeArchibald的<Caching best practices & max-ag…
Service Worker 随着前端快速发展,应用的性能已经变得至关重要,关于这一点大佬做了很多统计.你可以去看看. 如何降低一个页面的网络请求成本从而缩短页面加载资源的时间并降低用户可感知的延时是非常重要的一部分.对于提升应用的加载速度常用的手段有Http Cache.异步加载.304缓存.文件压缩.CDN.CSS Sprite.开启GZIP等等.这些手段无非是在做一件事情,就是让资源更快速的下载到浏览器端.但是除了这些方法,其实还有更加强大的Service Worker线程. Servic…
1. PWA和Service Worker的关系 PWA (Progressive Web Apps) 不是一项技术,也不是一个框架,我们可以把她理解为一种模式,一种通过应用一些技术将 Web App 在安全.性能和体验等方面带来渐进式的提升的一种 Web App的模式.对于 webview 来说,Service Worker 是一个独立于js主线程的一种 Web Worker 线程, 一个独立于主线程的 Context,但是面向开发者来说 Service Worker 的形态其实就是一个需要开…
浏览器缓存和Service Worker @billshooting 2018-05-06 字数 6175 Follow me on Github 标签: BOM 1. 传统的HTTP浏览器缓存策略 在一个网页的生命周期中,开发者为了缩短用户打开页面的时间,通常会设置很多缓存.其中包括了: 浏览器缓存 代理服务器缓存(CDN缓存) 服务器缓存 数据库缓存 等各种缓存.这些缓存大多数和前端没什么关系,也不由前端开发者控制,其中和前端较为密切的是浏览器缓存,但它本质上也是由服务器控制的. 在Serv…
If our PWA application has a new version including some fixes and new features. By default, when you refresh your page, service worker will check ngsw.json file in dist folder to see whether any files updated, if yes, then service worker will downloa…