ORACLE数据库中Global Database Name与DB LINKS的关系还真是有点纠缠不清,在说清楚这个关系前,我们先来了解一下Global Database Name的概念 Global DataBase Name 概念 1. What is a global database name? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The global databa…
在使用Yii2框架时遇到数据库无法访问的问题: 这个是由于 通常我们在参考 教程在 MAC OS LINUX下安装 MYSQL 时,默认将PHP.ini 中的以下三项留空导致的Yii2所需的PDO组建无法找到mysql.sock(或mysqld.sock)文件地址导致的 修改前:mysql.default_socket = pdo_mysql.default_socket=mysqli.default_socket = 由于PHP默认使用/var/mysql/mysql.sock,但Mac版的M… Core NoSQL Systems: [Mostly originated out of a Web 2.0 need] Wide Column Store / Column Families Hadoop / HBase API: Java / any writer, Protocol: any write call, Query Method: MapReduce Java / any exec, Replication: HDFS Re…
转自: I've had the pleasure of working in Data Infrastructure for more than 12 years now at companies like eBay, Etsy, Netflix, and LinkedIn. If you are unfamiliar with the te…
原文: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Everything you need to know about NoSQL databases Lucas OliveraJun 4 Update…
转载于: NoSQL简介 介绍redis前,我想还是先认识下NoSQL,即not only sql, 是一种非关系型的数据存储,key/value键值对存储.现有Nosql DB 产品: Redis/MongoDB/Memcached/Hbase/Cassandra/ Tokyo Cabinet/Voldemort/Dynomite/Riak…
IoT databases should be as flexible as required by the application. NoSQLdatabases -- especially key-value, document and column family databases -- easily accommodate different data types and structures without the need for predefined, fixed schemas.…
改变数据库用户sysman(该用户是DB Control Repository 的schema)password的方法 參考原文: How To Change the Password of the Database User Sysman (DB Control Repository Schema) (Doc ID 259379.1) 适用于: Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database - Version to [Rele…
I've got some files which can help a little bit to figure out where people are from based on their ID card NO. That file looks like this: Then I converted it into *.csv format which is basically a text file. It's not hard that almost every common doc…
RMAN> duplicate target database to clonedb from active database; Starting Duplicate Db at 28-JAN-16 RMAN-00571: =========================================================== RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS =============== RMAN-0…
s mysql修改binlog保存的天数 查看binlog过期时间,设置的时间为90天,这个值默认是0天,也就是说不自动清理,可以根据生产情况修改,本例修改为7天 mysql> show variables like 'expire_logs_days'; +------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +-----------…
MVP可以在channel 9上传视频了,所以准备做个英文视频传上去分享给大家,本文做稿子. Hello everyone, As we all know, SQLite is a great and popular local database running on mobile devices. Consider of its powerful and useful features, lots of apps use SQLite database as the main way of a… First, let's start from the beginning and assume we have a project called Shiny and its primary deliverable is a piece of software called Shiny Soft that connects to a database called Shiny DB. 一个叫做Shiny的项目,有软件还有数据…
Unlike most of the other projects in this book, NoSQL is not a tool, but an ecosystem composed of several complimentary and competing tools. The tools branded with the NoSQL monicker provide an alternative to SQL-based relational database systems for…