SSH2+EasyUI项目用到了快逸报表,启动Tomcat后系统报错: Report System initing...... [2015-06-04 15:03:05] runqianReportLogger : [ERROR] - Name jdbc is not bound in this Context javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name jdbc is not bound in this Context at org.apache.nam…
传送门: 总结一下tomcat启动问题,也给自己做个笔记 , 逐渐补充完善. 1.java配置路径有问题,请配置好jdk路径,具体参考java路径的配置吧. 2.项目未添加tomcat驱动, (一般提示The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path属于这…
打开struts-config.xml 报错 解决办法Could not open the editor 错误信息:Could not open the editor: Project XXX is not configured as a MyEclipse Web-Struts Project. Therefore the MyEclipse Struts Editor may not be used with struts-config.xml. The default XML Editor…