BACKGROUND In a multi-threaded processing environment, two or more threads may require access to a common resource, for example, to modify a variable stored in shared memory, etc. Uncoordinated access to shared resources by multiple threads may resul…
My colleague suddenly encountered a problem today,a Database becomes very slow , and the a lot of session wait library cache lock event, Let me help him to look. DB env is rac. at first ,to generate a AWR manually. exec dbms_workload_reposit…
MySQL中lock tables和unlock tables浅析   在MySQL中提供了锁定表(lock tables)和解锁表(unlock tables)的语法功能,ORACLE与SQL Server数据库当中没有这种语法.相信刚接触MySQL的人,都想详细.深入的了解一下这个功能.下面就尽量全面的解析.总结一下MySQL中lock tables与unlock tables的功能,如有不足或不正确的地方,欢迎指点一二. 锁定表的语法:   LOCK TABLES tbl_name [AS…
POSIX threads(简称Pthreads)是在多核平台上进行并行编程的一套常用的API.线程同步(Thread Synchronization)是并行编程中非常重要的通讯手段,其中最典型的应用就是用Pthreads提供的锁机制(lock)来对多个线程之间共 享的临界区(Critical Section)进行保护(另一种常用的同步机制是barrier). Pthreads提供了多种锁机制:(1) Mutex(互斥量):pthread_mutex_***(2) Spin lock(自旋锁):…
引用自: Understanding how SQL Server executes a query August 1st, 2013 If you are a developer writing applications that use SQL Server and you are wondering what exactly happens…
select event,count(1) from gv$session group by event order by 2;exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot;select 'alter system kill session '''||sid||','||serial#||''';' from v$session where event='latch free'; SET LINESIZE 200SET NEWPAGE NONECOL…
What is SAP R/3? SAP R/3 is a 3 tier architecture consisting of 3 layers Presentation Application Database In simple words, it’s a client server architecture. R signifies Real-time system 3 represents -  3-tier architecture. User's PC:-  Users can ac…
Appendices Published: April 27, 2005 On This Page Appendix A: SQL Server for Oracle Professionals Appendix B: Getting the Best Out of SQL Server 2000 and Windows Appendix C: Baselining Appendix D: Installing Common Drivers and Applications Installing…
文章目录 1. 简介 2. Usb Core 驱动设备模型 2.1 Usb Device Layer 2.1.1 device (struct usb_device) 2.1.2 driver (struct usb_device_driver) 2.1.3 bus (usb_bus_type) 2.2 Usb Interface Layer 2.2.1 device (struct usb_interface) 2.2.2 driver (struct usb_driver) 2.2.3 bu…
在SQL Server中,我们知道一个SELECT语句执行过程中只会申请一些意向共享锁(IS) 与共享锁(S), 例如我使用SQL Profile跟踪会话86执行SELECT * FROM dbo.TEST WHERE OBJECT_ID =1 这个查询语句,其申请.释放的锁资源的过程如下所示: 而且从最常见的锁模式的兼容性表,我们可以看到IS锁与S锁都是兼容的,也就是说SELECT查询是不会阻塞SELECT查询的. 现有的授权模式 请求的模式 IS S U IX SIX X 意向共享 (IS)…