FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention generally relates to graphics processors and, more particularly, to a graphics processor architecture employing a single shader. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In computer graphics applications, complex shape… In the field of 3D computer graphics, the Unified Shader Model (known in Direct3D 10 as "Shader Model 4.0") refers to a form ofshader hardware in a graphical processing unit (GPU) where all of t… Comparison of Intel graphics processing units From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     This page contains information about Intel's GPUs and motherboard graphics chipsets in…
BACKGROUND 1. Field The present invention generally relates to rendering two-dimension representations from three-dimensional scenes, and more particularly to using ray tracing for accelerated rendering of photo-realistic two-dimensional representati…
BACKGROUND A graphics processing unit (GPU) is a specialized electronic device that is specifically designed to perform operations related to graphics processing. GPUs are often built with a highly parallel structure that provides more efficient proc…
BACKGROUND The technology described herein relates to methods of and apparatus for using and handling textures, and in particular for carrying out so-called "virtual texturing", in computer graphics systems. It is common in computer graphics sys…
BACKGROUND The present invention generally relates to the processing of graphics data, and particularly relates to methods and apparatus for controlling approximation errors in the rendering of three-dimensional graphics data. State-of-the-art three-…
结合CUDA范例精解以及CUDA并行编程.由于正在学习CUDA,CUDA用的比较多,因此翻译一些个人认为重点的章节和句子,作为学习,程序将通过NVIDIA K40服务器得出结果.如果想通过本书进行CUDA编程,又不太懂CUDA和GPU的架构,可以将这个博客作为入门博客(但是希望你能有些基础,因为我介绍的并不是特别全面,只是捡了一些我困惑很久后来明白的知识点,如果完全不懂GPU的话,建议通读本书和介绍GPU的架构的书),我尽量在一个月更新完这本书的中文内容(部分)并补充一些自己的认识.欢迎大家评论…
Welcome back!    This post deals with the second half of pixel processing, the “join phase”. The previous phase was all about taking a small number of input streams and turning them into lots of independent tasks for the shader units. Now we need to…
原地址: icense Comparisons Optimizing Graphics Performance Graphics Performance.html iOS A useful bac… Now that NVIDIA’s has announced its newest GPU architecture (the GeForce GTX 200 series), interesting architectural details are popping up on the web. The best writeup I’ve found is by AnandTech. In the past, such detai…
BACKGROUND The evolution of graphics rendering technology has led to the development of procedural techniques for describing various steps in the rendering process. Procedural geometry is useful as a mechanism for producing arbitrarily complex geomet…
At this point, we’ve sent draw calls down from our app all the way through various driver layers and the command processor; now, finally we’re actually going to do some graphics processing on it! In this part, I’ll look at the vertex pipeline. But be…
[Game Engine Architecture 10] 1.Full-Screen Antialiasing (FSAA) also known as super-sampled antialiasing (SSAA). the scene is rendered into a frame buffer that is larger than the actual screen. Once rendering of the frame is complete, the resulting o…
BACKGROUND Today's graphic processing units (GPUs) host all of the computations necessary to generate high-quality graphics on computer screens, leaving a computing device's central processing unit (CPU) available for other tasks. Specifically, GPUs…
BACKGROUND Many algorithms on a graphics processing unit (GPU) may benefit from doing a query in a hierarchical tree structure (including quad-trees, oct-trees, kd-trees, R-trees, and so forth). However, these trees can be very deep, whereby traversi…
FIELD OF INVENTION This invention relates to computer graphics processing, and more specifically to computer graphics processing using two or more architecturally distinct graphics processors. BACKGROUND OF INVENTION Many computing devices utilize hi…
[Game Engine Architecture 2] 1.endian swap 函数 floating-point endian-swapping:将浮点指针reinterpert_cast 成整数指针,或使用 union 变成整形来swap. 2.metric (SI) units like kilobytes (kB) and megabytes (MB) are power of 10. kilo means 10^3, not 1024. To resolve this ambig…
Unity中 Image Effect 是Post Processing的一种方,Unity自身也提供很多Effect效果供使用.Image Effect的使用官方文档做了很多介绍,这里重点Post Processing 做一些介绍. 1. Post Processing workflow Render the scene to a render target / texture (screen-size, usually same format) Reset render target - e…
一.GPU:图形处理器,Graphics Processing Unit 显卡的处理器就是图形处理器.与CPU类似.   GPU和CPU的区别? 1.CPU主要是为了串行指令设计,GPU则是为了大规模的秉性的计算而设计. 2.从并行的角度来看,CPU并行针对于指令集并行,而GPU的并行是针对大规模运算的. 3.同样面积的芯片:CPU上更多的放置缓存和控制部件,而GPU上放置的是更多的运算单元.   二.渲染管线 渲染管线也叫渲染流水线,就是告诉GPU一堆数据,然后得到一个二维的图像. 渲染管线主…
1.先来一段单张纹理贴图的shader示例代码: // Upgrade NOTE: replaced 'mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP,*)' with 'UnityObjectToClipPos(*)' Shader "Custom/MyShader"{ Properties{ //外部可调属性 _MainTex ("Main Tex", 2D) = "white" {} } SubShader { //设置使用本Subshader所… Accelerated processing unit From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia     This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable…
BACKGROUND This disclosure relates generally to the field of computer graphics. More particularly, but not by way of limitation, it relates to technique for manipulating sprites in a rendering system for use with a graphics processor unit (GPU). A sp…
Example embodiments of the present invention includes systems and methods for implementing a scalable symmetric multiprocessing (shared memory) computer architecture using a network of homogeneous multi-core servers. The level of processor and memory… Part I: Introduction to Shaders In Unity Chapter 1: How Shader Development Works (已看) Chapter 2: Your First Unity Shader (已看) Chapter 3: The Graphics Pip…
紧接着上一篇文章的shader入门知识的总结,本文主要总结shader中的纹理贴图.透明度混合.顶点动画.后期特效处理等操作.如果有什么地方有错,请指出更正,谢谢.本文的代码主要来自开源书:unity入门精要 一.Unity shader中的纹理 1.简单纹理 在unity shader中,纹理的主要作用是用来给模型贴上一个外表,这样得到的模型颜色就具有纹理的颜色混合.在常见的一些shader上,都会有一个_MainTex的选项,这就是我们常常用的主纹理贴图.对于纹理贴图,其对应的需要有纹理坐标…
转自: We have entered an era where competitive advantage comes from analyzing, understanding, and responding to an organization’s data. When doing…
建立一个基本的屏幕后处理脚本系统 屏幕后处理,顾名思义,通常指的是在渲染完整个场景得到屏幕图像后,再对这个图像进行一系列操作,实现各种屏幕特效.使用这种技术,可以为游戏画面添加更多艺术效果,例如景深.运动模糊等. 因此,想要实现屏幕后处理的基础在于得到渲染后的屏幕图像,即抓取屏幕,而Unity为我们提供了这样一个方便的接口OnRenderImage函数.它的函数声明如下: MonoBehaviour.OnRenderImage(RenderTexture src,RenderTexture de…
转发请保持地址: AngryBots是Unity官方的一个非常棒的样例.非常有研究价值. 曾经研究的时候.因为其内容丰富,一时间不知道从哪入手写文章分析. 这一段时间研究shader技术比較多一些,就从shader的这一方面開始吧.首先分析当中的一个屏幕特效:当主角受到攻击时会出现的全屏效果(postScreenEffect).效果例如以下: 事实上这是一种的Bloom效果,相关文件有:M…
最近有个功能, 要渲染从主相机视角看到的另一个相机的可视范围和不可见范围, 大概如下图 : 简单来说就是主相机视野和观察者相机视野重合的地方, 能标记出观察者相机的可见和不可见, 实现原理就跟 ShadowMap 一样, 就是有关深度图, 世界坐标转换之类的, 每次有此类的功能都会很悲催, 虽然它的逻辑很简单, 可是用Unity3D做起来很麻烦... 原理 : 在观察者相机中获取深度贴图, 储存在某张 RenderTexture 中,  然后在主相机中每个片元都获取对应的世界坐标位置, 将世界坐…