Methods and systems are provided to control the execution of a virtual machine (VM). A VM Monitor (VMM) accesses VM Control Structures (VMCS) indirectly through access instructions passed to a processor. In one embodiment, the access instructions inc…
BACKGROUND Many computing systems include a network interface card (NIC) to provide for communications with other systems and devices over a network. In a computing system running multiple operating systems (OSs) on multiple virtual machines, each OS…
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Various mechanisms exist for managing memory in a virtual machine environment. A virtual machine platform typically executes an underlying layer of software called a virtual machine monitor (VMM) which hosts one to many operati… Today, "Virtual machine" seems to be a magic words in the computer industry. Why? Simply stated, this technology promise better serv…
BACKGROUND Virtualization technology enables a single host computer running a virtual machine monitor ("VMM") to present multiple abstractions and/or views of the host, such that the underlying hardware of the host appears as one or more indepen…
BACKGROUND Virtualization technology enables a single host computer running a virtual machine monitor ("VMM") to present multiple abstractions and/or views of the host, such that the underlying hardware of the host appears as one or more indepen… Microsoft Azure virtual machines (VMs) with SQL Server can help lower the cost of a high availability and disaster recovery (HADR) database solution. Most SQL Server HADR solutions are suppo…
Hybrid transaction memory systems and accompanying methods. A transaction to be executed is received, and an initial attempt is made to execute the transaction in a hardware path. Upon a failure to successfully execute the transaction in the hardware…  Article ID: 2721672 - Last Review: November 22, 2014 - Revision: 30.0 简单来说就是Microsoft Azure 支持的软件列表,对最低版本都会有要求.而且不在支持列表系统不提供SLA保证的支持,简单来说微软不会应该违反SLA赔钱. 当然非微软主机例如想OEL(Oracle Enterprise Liunx)之类的不达到微软要求也是不…
ownCloud Virtual Machines(…
This topic provides guidelines on how to sign up for SQL Server on a Azure virtual machine and how to get started creating SQL Server databases in Microsoft public cloud environment. With SQL Server in Azure Virtual Machines, you get the full benefit…
Load Balancing Virtual Machines All virtual machines that you create in Windows Azure can automatically communicate using a private network channel with other virtual machines in the same cloud service or virtual network. However, you need to add an…
Manage the Availability of Virtual Machines You can ensure the availability of your application by using multiple Windows Azure Virtual Machines. By using multiple virtual machines in your application, you can make sure that your application is avail…
“Invalid configuration file. File "I:/My Virtual Machines/Windows XP english Professional/Windows XP Professional.vmx" was created by a VMware product with more features than this version of VMware Workstation and cannot be used with this versio…
VM-FT 论文总结 说明:本文为论文 <The Design of a Practical System for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Machines> 的个人总结,难免有理解不到位之处,欢迎交流与指正 . 论文地址:VM-FT 论文 本文的总结包括论文内容以及 MIT6.824 Lec4 中的授课内容,其中包含了论文中没有提及的一些细节 . 1. 前言 本论文主要介绍了一个用于提供 容错虚拟机 (fault-tolerant virtual machine) 的企…
VM-FT 论文研读 说明:本文为论文 <The Design of a Practical System for Fault-Tolerant Virtual Machines> 的个人理解,难免有理解不到位之处,欢迎交流与指正 . 论文地址:VM-FT 论文 本文的总结包括论文内容以及 MIT6.824 Lec4 中的授课内容,其中包含了论文中没有提及的一些细节 . 1. 前言 本论文主要介绍了一个用于提供 容错虚拟机 (fault-tolerant virtual machine) 的企…
[简介] 1.Azure Virtual machines是Azure 提供的多种可缩放按需分配计算资源之一,Nextcloud是一款开源免费的私有云存储网盘项目,可以让你快速便捷地搭建一套属于自己或团队的云同步网盘,从而实现跨平台跨设备文件同步.共享.版本控制.团队协作等功能.它的客户端覆盖了Windows.Mac.Android.iOS.Linux 等各种平台,也提供了网页端以及 WebDAV接口,所以你几乎可以在各种设备上方便地访问你的云盘.本教程主要是在Azure Virtual mac…
今天打开虚拟机的时候,出现了这样的弹窗提示: 无法打开虚拟机"master"(D:\文档\Virtual Machines\master\master.vmx):未找到文件.是否从库中移除"master"? 在网上看了很多博客,都说是防火墙的问题. 刚开始,我看一片博客说直接关闭防火墙: 但是我又想,直接把防火墙关闭了会不会不安全.而且关闭了防火墙也没有解决这个问题,我又把防火墙哒开了. 这时,我想起我的电脑一直都会有 Windows安全中心 的提示,我就去看了一下…
Earlier articles in this series: Part I: Idempotence Part II: Immutability Part III: Volatility Part IV: Singletons Oh, hell, this article just had to be about state machines, didn’t it? State machines! Those damned little circles and arrows and q’s.…
libvirt is a library that provides a common API for managing popular virtualization solutions, among them KVM and Xen. 使用virt-install创建image qemu-img create -f qcow2 /tmp/centos5.8.img 10G virt-install --virt-type qemu --name centos-5.8 --ram 2048 --…
Apparatus and methods are provided for utilizing a plurality of processing units. A method comprises selecting a pending job from a plurality of unassigned jobs based on a plurality of assigned jobs for the plurality of processing units and assigning…
from: There are two contextualization mechanisms available in OpenNebula: the automatic IP assignment, and a more generic way to give any file and configuration parameters. You can use…
ESXi 5.5 是VMWare提供的免费虚拟服务器软件, 因为其优秀的性能, 对CPU, 内存和虚拟机数量都解除了限制, 成为很多个人或者小型公司的首选虚拟化工具. 在日常管理时常碰到的一个问题是, 当虚拟机版本升级到vmx-10后, 无法再调用Edit Setting来更改配置. 解决的办法有两种: 1. 可以参考Youtube上的一则视频 首选你需要安装另一个免费的工具VMware vCenter Co…
1,virtual machine manage,VMInstance state;…
Hello everyone, this is the third post of the series. .   Background =============== In my solution, I have 15 Windows hosts. I need to configure them from the OS installation to configure fail over cluster and then create and run VMs on them. Withou…
Windows Azure提供了几个部署web应用程序的方法,比如Windows Azure网站.云服务和虚拟机.你可能无法确定哪一个最适合您的需要,或者你可能清楚的概念,比如IaaS vs PaaS.本文将帮助您了解您的选择,并帮助你做出正确的选择为您的web场景.尽管所有三个选项允许您运行在Windows Azure高度可伸缩的web应用程序,有差异,可以帮助指导你的决定. 1. 对使用难易和控制方便进行比较(如图) 1) 网站有最低的控制,但是不用关系虚机和IIS的运行状态.(PaaS)……
并发控制是数据库理论里面最难的课题之一 并发控制首先了解一下事务,transaction 定义如下, 其实transaction关键是,要满足ACID属性, 左边的正式的定义,由于的intuitive的理解其中可能Consistency比较难理解一下,其他都比较直观,对于单机数据库而言consistency其实不是个显著的问题,但对于分布式数据库这就是个主要问题 那么问题就是如何设计让Transaction满足ACID? 一种简单的方法就是,Strawman System 串行执行保障consi…
Create the following puppet manifest and start VM with vagrant, you get a base production environment. $ pwd /home/chad/docs/vagrant-prj/gcpserver $ cat Vagrantfile|grep -v '^\s*#' VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_…
Contents [hide]  1 ⁠Accessing the User Portal 1.1 Logging in to the User Portal 1.2 Logging out of the User Portal 1.3 Logging in for the First Time: Installing the Engine Certificate 1.3.1 Installing oVirt Certificate in Firefox 2 ⁠Installing Suppor…