Notes: I'm not a designer. This is what i've self-learnt over the years because i couldn't afford good designers. I don't know if this is scientific. This works for me. I hope it works for you. I think you already know that a color is represented by…
原文链接: Frontend Development Looking for something else? Take a look at the awesome collection of other awesome lists. Guides Bento: a collection of guides for web development. Hack Design: An easy to…
下面,我们给大家提供了一个用于 HTML5 开发的各种用途的 JavaScript 库列表.这些框架能够给前端开发人员提供更好的功能实现的解决方案.如果你有收藏优秀的框架,也可以在后面的评论中分享给我们. 您可能感兴趣的相关文章 期待已久的2013年度最佳 jQuery 插件揭晓 小伙伴们都惊呆了!8个超炫的 Web 效果 10大流行的 Metro UI 风格 Bootstrap 主题 推荐35款精致的 CSS3 和 HTML5 网页模板 精选12款优秀 jQuery Ajax 分页插件和教程…
作为编码者,美工基础是偏弱的.我们可以参考一些成熟的网页PS教程,提高自身的设计能力.套用一句话,“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”. 本系列的教程来源于网上的PS教程,都是国外的,全英文的.本人尝试翻译这些优秀的教程.因为翻译能力有限,翻译的细节上还有待推敲,希望广大网友不吝赐教. 约定: 1.本文的软件是Photoshop CS5版本 2.原教程的截图是英文的,本人在重新制作的基础上,重新截了中文版的图 3.原文中有些操作没有给出参数.本人在反复测试的情况下测定了一些参数,以红色的文字显示.… OBD II Software OBD Experts can provide you with ready to use off-the-shelf OBD II software implementing the following automotive protocols: ISO 9141-2 KWP 2000-4 SAE J1850 PWM (Ford SCP) SAE J1850 VPW (GM Class…
reference: BY TEAMEGRAPPLER · MARCH 4, 2014   Graphs and charts are used to simplify complex data and make it easy to read and understand. There is a growing number of Open…
Let us say, you have a system (Windows or Linux) with high-speed Internet connection at work and a Debian or any Debian derived systems with no internet connection or very slow Internet connection(like dial-up) at home. You want to upgrade your offli…
$.extend()使用方法总结. jQuery为开发插件提拱了两个方法,各自是: jQuery.fn.extend(object); jQuery.extend(object); jQuery.extend(object);为扩展jQuery类本身.为类加入新的方法. jQuery.fn.extend(object);给jQuery对象加入方法. 这个应该非常好理解吧. 举个样例. <span style="font-size:18px;"><html> &l…
MAThemeKit MAThemeKit provides iOS developers the ability to create a coherent color theme throughout their entire application using a single line of code, removing the need to mess with the dozens of UIAppearanc…
KIDS STORE - OPENCART 自适应主题模板 ABC-0022 FEATURES Get FREE Lifetime Updates Get FREE On-Going Support HTML5 and CSS3 Fully RESPONSIVE Theme Using Google Fonts Support Multiple Language Included RTL Language Support No Core Modifications SEO (Search Eng…
一.官方介绍 libsvm主页: libsvm介绍文档: 官方关于更有效地使用libsvm的使用说明: (很有必要看) 数据库:…
Luogu P3379 最近公共祖先 原题展现 题目描述 如题,给定一棵有根多叉树,请求出指定两个点直接最近的公共祖先. 输入格式 第一行包含三个正整数 \(N,M,S\),分别表示树的结点个数.询问的个数和树根结点的序号. 接下来 \(N-1\) 行每行包含两个正整数 \(x, y\),表示 \(x\) 结点和 \(y\) 结点之间有一条直接连接的边(数据保证可以构成树). 接下来 \(M\) 行每行包含两个正整数 \(a, b\),表示询问 \(a\) 结点和 \(b\) 结点的最近公共祖先……
Quick Start Guide The SlickUpload quick start demonstrates how to install SlickUpload in a new or existing application, add upload support to a page, and display a list of the files that were uploaded. You can find the completed source code for this…
原链接地址:  Website Speed Optimization Guide for Google PageSpeed Rules By Dave Artz  1 week ago  6  534 0   Page Speed/Site speed is termed as the speed with w…
Busy Developers' Guide to Features Want to use HSSF and XSSF read and write spreadsheets in a hurry? This guide is for you. If you're after more in-depth coverage of the HSSF and XSSF user-APIs, please consult the HOWTO guide as it contains actual de…
Adit Deshpande CS Undergrad at UCLA ('19) Blog About A Beginner's Guide To Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks Part 2 Introduction Link to Part 1 In this post, we’ll go into a lot more of the specifics of ConvNets. Disclaimer: Now, I do reali…
36个扁平化设计的iphone和ipad应用界面设计案例 32个动画效果很赞的移动APP设计 Check out this list b…
factoextra is an R package making easy to extract and visualize the output of exploratory multivariate data analyses, including: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which is used to summarize the information contained in a continuous (i.e, quantitati…
Preface Validating data is a common task that occurs throughout all application layers, from the presentation to the persistence layer. Often the same validation logic is implemented in each layer which is time consuming and error-prone. To avoid dup…
Ultimate Guide to WeChat for Business 2019 By Iaroslav Kudritskiy (source : This is the guide for you if you're interested in the Chinese market. Companies all over are in…
extends: While I was working on my first Android app, I found 9-patch (aka 9.png) to be confusing and poorly documented. After a little while, I finally picked up on how it works and decided to throw…
12 Essential Bootstrap Tools for Web Designers Posted by vikas on June 6, 2014, filed in: Tools, Web Design 原文地址:   Bootstrap is a great front end website development platform…
Spring Boot Reference Guide Authors Phillip Webb, Dave Syer, Josh Long, Stéphane Nicoll, Rob Winch, Andy Wilkinson, Marcel Overdijk, Christian Dupuis, Sébastien Deleuze, Michael Simons, VedranPavić, Jay Bryant 2.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT Copyright © 2012-20…
怎样用通俗的语言解释什么叫 REST,以及什么是 RESTful? - 知乎 大家都知道"古代"网页是前端后端融在一起的,比如之前的PHP,JSP等.在之前的桌面时代问题不大,但是近年来移动互联网的发展,各种类型的Client层出不穷,RESTful可以通过一套统一的接口为 Web,iOS和Android提供服务.另外对于广大平台来说,比如Facebook platform,微博开放平台,微信公共平台等,…
好的代码的标准:解释过去,指引未来: Design philosophies | Django documentation | Django Design philosophies¶ This document explains some of the fundamental philosophies Django’s developers have used…
  Animations Animations provide fluid visual transitions between different states of your user interface. In iOS, animations are used extensively to reposition views, change their size, remove them from view hierarchies, and hide them. You might use…
  Designing Your Data Source and Delegate 设计你的数据源和委托 Every collection view must have a data source object providing it with content to display. The data source object is an object that your app provides. It could be an object from your app’s data mod…
Views Because view objects are the main way your application interacts with the user, they have many responsibilities. Here are just a few: 因为视图对象是应用程序跟用户交互的主要方式,所以它们有很多责任.以下是其中一小部分: Layout and subview management 布局和子视图管理 A view defines its own defau… Oculus Unity Development Guide开发指南转载请保留原始地 Oculus/GearVR开发者群 302294234 Welcometo the Unity Development GuideIntroduction简介Welcometo the Oculus Unity Developer Gui…