Codeforces 85 D. Sum of Medians】的更多相关文章

题目链接: 做法果然男默女泪啊..... 大概就是直接开了一个$vector$每次插入删除都用自带的$insert$和$erase$,然后查询也是暴力搞. 那么为啥么过得很有理有据呢? 1.首先考虑如果没有修改我就能继承上一次的答案... 2.修改我们假设(就是)${O(logn)}$的. 3.每次暴力查询是$5$个数字一步. 4.显然一开始并不是上来就有${100000}$个数字 所以大概复杂度会是${O(n^…
D. Sum of Medians Time Limit: 1 Sec  Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description In one well-known algorithm of finding the k-th order statistics we should divide all elements into groups of five consecutive el…
D. Sum of Medians time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In one well-known algorithm of finding the k-th order statistics we should divide all elements into groups of five consecu…
D. Sum of Medians time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In one well-known algorithm of finding the k-th order statistics we should divide all elements into groups of five consecu…
题目链接:Codeforces 85D - Sum of Medians 题目大意:N个操作,add x:向集合中加入x:del x:删除集合中的x:sum:将集合排序后,将集合中全部下标i % 5 = 3的元素累加求和. 解题思路:线段树单点更新,每一个点维护5个值.分别表示从该段区间中i % 5 = t的和.然后两端区间合并时仅仅须要依据左孩子中元素的个数合并.所以有一个c表示区间上元素的个数. 由于有同样的数.所以要离线操做,将全部的数映射成位置,可是对于del则不须要映射,由于集合中肯定…
传送门 D. Sum of Medians time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In one well-known algorithm of finding the k-th order statistics we should divide all elements into groups of five con…
D. Sum of Medians time limit per test 3 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output In one well-known algorithm of finding the k-th order statistics we should divide all elements into groups of five consecu…
Sum of Medians 题解: 对于这个题目,先想到是建立5棵Splay,然后每次更新把后面一段区间的树切下来,然后再转圈圈把切下来的树和别的树合并. 但是感觉写起来太麻烦就放弃了. 建立5棵线段树. 然后 seg[rt][i]代表的是只考虑当前所管辖的区间中的情况下, 下标对5取余之后为 i 的那些值的和. 最重要的一点是更新. ; i < ; ++i) seg[i][rt] = seg[i][rt<<] + seg[((i-sz[rt<<]%)+)%][rt<…
题目链接: Sum of Medians Time Limit:3000MSMemory Limit:262144KB 问题描述 In one well-known algorithm of finding the k-th order statistics we should divide all elements into groups of five consecutive elements and find the median of each five. A median is cal…
题目链接:Codeforces 396B On Sum of Fractions 题解来自: 题目大意:给出一个n,ans = ∑(2≤i≤n)1/(v(i)*u(i)), v(i)为不大于i的最大素数,u(i)为大于i的最小素数, 求ans,输出以分式形式. 解题思路:一開始看到这道题1e9,暴力是不可能了,没什么思路,后来在纸上列了几项,突然想到高中时候求等差数列时候用到…