G - Traffic】的更多相关文章

题目链接:The 18th Zhejiang University Programming Contest Sponsored by TuSimple - G Traffic Light 题解: 题意自己翻译,此题首先肯定是要广搜的,不过要开一个1e5*1e5的数组好像有点困难, 所以用结构体来存每个点的下标,然后从源点开始广搜.定义一个pair<node,int>,第一个存节点信息,第二个存到当前节点的步数,因为还要处理到达每个节点的状态. 状态:走奇数步并且状态为1与走偶数步状态为0的结果…
题目描述: /*纯手打题面*/ Avin is observing the cars at a crossroads.He finds that there are n cars running in the east-west direction with the i-th car passing the intersection at time a[i].There are another m cars running in the north-south direction with th…
vin is observing the cars at a crossroads. He finds that there are n cars running in the east-west direction with the i-th car passing the intersection at time ai . There are another m cars running in the north-south direction with the i-th car passi…
http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showContestProblem.do?problemId=5738 题意 给你一个map 每个格子里有一个红绿灯,用0,1表示状态.当所在格子为0时只能上下移动,为1时左右移动.人一秒动一次,并且每一秒必须移动,灯每秒改变依次状态.问从起点到终点最短时间. 题解:   就看成一道墙壁会按时间周期改变的走迷宫. 只是墙壁的作用是限制走的方向而不是不能通过. 关于如何判定迷宫无法走通,按套路设了一个vis数组,试了一发就ac了…
Copied From:http://csfieldguide.org.nz/en/curriculum-guides/ncea/level-3/complexity-tractability-TSP.html This is a guide for students attempting Complexity and Tractability in digital technologies achievement standard 3.44. This guide is not officia…
概要 在sdn下,控制平面基于网络测量的的数据控制网络,而细粒度的管理得益于细粒度的测量数据.针对sdn环境下的细粒度测量(识别具体应用程序),可以实现对细粒度的流量管控. 设计了识别系统SBAR,对数据流进行测量,识别出具体应用程序并得到它们的网络数据.针对流分类,SBAR以应用程序协议为参照,使用了机器学习的算法. 针对web和加密流量,使用深度包检测检测包的负载以识别应用程序.同时SBAR利用了OpenFlow提供的测量数据识别应用,交换机利用南向接口向控制器传输数据.最后使用GUI对得到…
A - Pretty Matrix DreamGrid's birthday is coming. As his best friend, BaoBao is going to prepare a gift for him. As we all know, BaoBao has a lot of matrices. This time he picks an integer matrix with  rows and  columns from his collection, but he th…
项目的要求很简单: 模拟出十字路口的交通控制情况: 秒. 当东西(或南北)方向红灯时,所有车辆(除了消防车.救护车.警车)均排队等待,当东西(或南北)方向绿灯时,所有车辆按序行驶(不准超车). 制作这个小框体程序我选择的平台是JAVA,实现结果效果图如下所示: 首先分析整个项目题目上的要求,在十字路口上通过的车辆可以抽象为两类:普通车辆和特殊车辆(包括警车,消防车,救护车等),所谓普通的车辆和特殊种类的车辆之间的差别是是否需要在红绿灯路口之前进行等待操作,特殊车辆享有优先权并且可以直接通过路口,…
A method and apparatus enable Internet of Things (IoT) services based on a SMART IoT architecture by integrating connectivity, content, cognition, context, cloud, and collaboration. Joint optimization of a combination of any of connectivity, content,…
In one embodiment, a network management system (NMS) determines an intent to initialize a request-response exchange with a plurality of clients in a low power and lossy network (LLN). In response, the NMS adaptively schedules corresponding responses…