目的是在交互式环境下(如jupyter),手动设定当前会话为默认会话,从而省去每次都要显示地说明sess的繁琐,如:Tensor.ecal(session=sess)或sess.Operation.run() 只需要写成Tensor.ecal()或Operation.run() >>> import tensorflow as tf >>> sess = tf.InteractiveSession() can't determine number of CPU core…
链接如下: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/41791469/difference-between-tf-session-and-tf-interactivesession 英文 Question: Questions says everything, for taking sess= tf.Session() and sess=tf.InteractiveSession() which cases should be considered for what…
官方tutorial是这么说的: The only difference with a regular Session is that an InteractiveSession installs itself as the default session on construction. The methods Tensor.eval() and Operation.run() will use that session to run ops. 翻译一下就是:tf.InteractiveSes…
tf.Session()和tf.InteractiveSession()的区别 官方tutorial是这么说的: The only difference with a regular Session is that an InteractiveSession installs itself as the default session on construction. The methods Tensor.eval() and Operation.run() will use that sess…
1. tf.add(x, y, name) Args: x: A `Tensor`. Must be one of the following types: `bfloat16`, `half`, `float32`, `float64`, `uint8`, `int8`, `int16`, `int32`, `int64`, `complex64`, `complex128`, `string`. y: A `Tensor`. Must have the same type as `x`.…