第一次做交互真有趣……:挺好的细节思维题 This is an interactive problem. In good old times dwarves tried to develop extrasensory abilities: Exactly n dwarves entered completely dark cave. Each dwarf received a hat — white or black. While in cave, none of the dwarves was…
题目链接 A. Make a triangle! 题意 让某段最少增加多少使得构成三角形 思路 让较小两段往最长段去凑 代码 #include <bits/stdc++.h> #define DBG(x) cerr << #x << " = " << x << endl; using namespace std; int a[5]; int main(){ scanf("%d%d%d",&a[1],…
目录 Codeforces 1064 A.Make a triangle! B.Equations of Mathematical Magic C.Oh Those Palindromes D.Labyrinth(BFS) E.Dwarves,Hats and Extrasensory Abilities(交互 二分) F.Candies for Children D.Labyrinth E.Dwarves,Hats and Extrasensory Abilities Codeforces 1…
比赛链接:传送门 A. Make a triangle!(简单思维) 题目大意: 给你三条边,问你最多加多少长度能使这三条边能构成三角形. 思路: 最大边小于答案加另外两条边的和. #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int main() { int a, b, c; cin >> a >> b >> c; int _max = max(a, b); _max = max(_max, c); int s…