centos jdk8 install】的更多相关文章

0. 装了好多遍jdk 以前一直是 vi /etc/profile文件 追加 环境变量 ,仔细一看 profile文件提示 尽量不要修改!!! so... 1. 下载jdk8.tar.gz 2. 卸载openjdk $ rpm -qa|grep jdk 显示XX-openjdk-XX  挨个卸掉 $ yum -y remove XX-openjdk-XX 3. 解压jdk8.tar.gz $ cd /usr/java $ tar zxvf /home/rocky/Downloads/jdk8.t…
CentOS 7 install LNMP 关于 Nginx (发音 “engine x”)这是一款免费.开源.高效的 HTTP 服务器,Nginx是以稳定著称,丰富的功能,结构简单,低资源消耗.本教程演示如何在CentOS 6.5服务器(适用于 CentOS 7)安装Nginx与PHP(通过php-fpm)和MySQL(MariaDB). --------------------------------------分割线 ------------------------------------…
CentOS Kernel Source Install Mar 12th, 2012 | Comments CentOS kernel source install, first off if you are just trying to build something or compile a tool on CentOS then you probably only need to install the kernel-devel package if you are running a…
系统版本为: [root@s10 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core) 由于管理kvm虚拟机的需求,需要安装GNOME Desktop 和Graphical Administration Tools 桌面服务. 通过 [root@s10 ~]# yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop" "Graphical Administration Tools"…
http://wiki.centos.org/TipsAndTricks/BrokenVserver centos mirror:  http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6/os/x86_64/  注意匹配正确的版本,  /ect/yum.conf How to install yum on a Virtual Server Contents But I DO have yum already, and I AM on CentOS I don't have yum…
# install TensorFlow GPU on CentOS 7.0# https://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=CentOS_7&p=tensorflow&f=2# https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-installation-guide-linux/index.html#axzz4rhm3n5RO# https://gist.github.com/lyastro/26e0cd8245bcf64914857d…
How to install Java on CentOS 7 | Linuxizehttps://linuxize.com/post/install-java-on-centos-7/ CentOS 安装oracle JDK - Andes Home 千年的塔 -十年技术,风雨兼程 - CSDN博客https://blog.csdn.net/hittata/article/details/8285653 How to install Oracle Java 8 on CentOS 7 / RH…
//slurm install //CentOS 7 system // node01 // node02 systemctl stop firewalld.service systemctl disable firewalld.service systemctl disable NetworkManager systemctl stop NetworkManager sed -i '7 s/enforcing/disabled/' /…
https://hostpresto.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-setup-gitlab-on-centos-7/ http://linux.it.net.cn/CentOS/course/2016/0813/24330.html http://linux.it.net.cn/CentOS/course/2015/0321/14033.html https://www.nichijou.com/p/6sh26/ https://segm…
1. rpm -Uvh http://nginx.org/packages/centos/7/noarch/RPMS/nginx-release-centos-7-0.el7.ngx.noarch.rpm 2. yum install -y nginx 3. systemctl start nginx.service…