Quick Links - NEW Sed Commands : label # comment {....} Block =- print line number a \- Append b label- Branch c \ - change dand D- Delete gand G- Get hand H- Hold i \- Insert l- Look nand N- Next pand P- Print q…
30.1 Introduction In addition to protocols that provide network level services and application programs that use those services, an internet needs software that allows managers to debug problems, control routing, and find computers that violate proto… geditor, sed, ed, awk, Emacs 文本处理工具 [Linux Shell 文本处理工具集锦] geditor 最常用的类似windows下的记事本 ubuntu16.04 gedit乱码问题解决 gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.encodings candidate-encodings "['CURRENT',…
转载:[shell]sed处理多行合并 - seyjs - 博客园 ( 文件格式 table=t1 name owner address table=t2 id text col1 comment col5 table=t3 prod_name price 要求按table=关键字,将相同的table的列放在同一行,结果为: table=t1 name owner address table=t2 id text col1 comment col5 table=t3 pr…
非常强大的文本操纵工具,sed,awk,grep 这个三个命令 都是操作文本文件的unix系统有几个非常命令的特点:1. 对于内核而言,unix文件都是字节序列.io设备也是文件.2. 至于文件的含义交由应用程序来解释.其中文本文件非常重要,因为unix提供 很多了实用程序(utility),这些程序功能相对独立,但可以通过管道来实现进程间通信(IPC),这样松散的耦合可以完成复杂的操作.那么进程间的通信的数据格式是怎样的呢? 其实对于实用程序而言,这个数据格式就是简单的文本文件.此外,还有IO…
Github上的1000多本免费电子书重磅来袭!   以前 StackOverFlow 也给出了一个免费电子书列表,现在在Github上可以看到时刻保持更新的列表了. 瞥一眼下面的书籍分类目录,你就能知道这个免费电子书库的含金量了吧.记得一定要看几本,千万别下载了大量书籍而束之高阁! 行动重于空想! Github地址: I…
Index Ada Agda Alef Android APL Arduino ASP.NET MVC Assembly Language Non-X86 AutoHotkey Autotools Awk Bash Basic BETA C C# C++ Chapel Cilk Clojure COBOL CoffeeScript ColdFusion Cool Coq D Dart DB2 Delphi / Pascal DTrace Elasticsearch Emacs Erlang F#… 总结的太好了,直接把md文件贴过来好了!慢慢学习!分享给大家,觉得好就也去他github点个赞吧! DevopsWiki A wiki of Guides, Scripts, Tutorials related to devops [Devops tools] ( Vim Vim Cheat Shee…
FZU Monthly-201901 tutorial 题目(难度递增) easy easy-medium medium medium-hard hard 思维难度 AHG F B CE D 编码难度 AH CEFG B D A. RonTanYoYiSen 对于本题,你只需要FOR一遍判断是不是回文串即可.不管一个字符串是不是回文串,只有将它反过来再写一边就可以构造出一个回文串.根据题意,如果是回文串则输出"YES NO",否则输出"NO YES". 复杂度\(O…
转载自: Tutorial 1: Serialization Introduction This tutorial will cover creating a simple pastebin code highlighting Web API. Along the way it will introduce the vari…
//注释掉 #include <iostream.h> //替换为 #include <iostream> using namespace std; Contents Introduction Who should read this? Source code Preparations Environment settings Debugging symbols Debugging When to use a debugger Loading a program Inspectin… ======================================================================        Top Ten Reasons not to use the C shell======================================================================    Written by Bruce B…
ROS机器人程序设计(原书第2版)补充资料 教案1 ROS Kinetic系统入门 ROS Kinetic在Ubuntu 16.04.01 安装可参考: ROS版本特色和官网wiki可参考: ROS入门指南可参考:…
Compile Graphics Magick, Boost, Botan and QT with MinGW64 under Windows 7 64 Sun, 01/01/2012 - 15:43 — admin INTRODUCTION This tutorial explains how to compile several important C++ libraries under Windows 7 64 bits using MinGW 64 for 64 bits archite…
Browser security prevents a web page from making AJAX requests to another domain. This restriction is called the same-origin policy, and prevents a malicious site from reading sentitive data from another site. However, sometimes you might want to let…
PostedDecember 4, 2014 453.8kviews JAVA CENTOS FEDORA   Introduction This tutorial will show you how to install Java on CentOS 7 (also 5, 6, 6.5), Fedora 20, and RHEL. Java is a popular software platform that allows you to run Java applications and a…
Table of Contents Introduction Key concepts Collect topology configuration data Generate a runbook from the topology Install a deployable package Back up the database and computer instance Update files Run database synchronization Start all services…
Introduction This tutorial demonstrates CORS support in ASP.NET Web API. We’ll start by creating two ASP.NET projects – one called “WebService”, which hosts a Web API controller, and the other called “WebClient”, which calls WebService. Because the t…
Gazebo附带了许多工具和实用程序. 这些教程说明了这些可用的工具,以及如何使用它们. 主要有: 1 记录和播放 2 日志过滤 3 应用力/扭矩 4 HDF5数据集 官网介绍通俗具体,非常容易,请参考附件. 附件--官方教程 Logging and playback Overview This tutorial explains how to use the Gazebo logging capabilities to record your simulation and then repro…
数据工具汇总 史上最全的大数据分析和制作工具 全球100款大数据工具汇总 SQL 数据分析常用语句 01 - NumPy HomePage: NumPy(数值 Python 的简称)是用Python实现的用于科技计算的基础软件包,是一个强大的科学分析和建模工具 提供了大量数据结构,能够轻松地执行多维数组和矩阵运算 可用作不同类型通用数据的多维容器 可以和其他编程语言无缝集成 可以简单而快速地与大量数据库和工具结合 官方文档 - NumPy HomePag…
0.关键实现:程序窗口前置 python 通过js控制滚动条拉取全文 通过psutil获取pid窗口句柄,通过win32gui使程序窗口前置 通过pyauto实现右键菜单和另存为操作 1.参考 autopy (实践见最后一章节) 用Python制作游戏外挂(上) AutoPy Introduction and Tutorial autopy.mouse.smooth_move(1, 1) 可以实现平滑移动 autopy — API Reference pip install PyUserInpu…
Installing ROS Indigo on the Raspberry Pi Description: This instruction covers the installation of ROS Indigo on the original Raspberry Pi with Raspbian.Keywords: Raspberry Pi, Setup, IndigoContents 1 Introduction This tutorial explains how to instal… What is Node.js? Node.js can be defined as a dynamic, cross-platform and open-source JavaScript framework or runtime environment that is built on the Google Chrome JavaScript V8 engine. Node.js, developed…
Learning Deep Learning with Keras Piotr Migdał - blog Projects Articles Publications Resume About Photos Learning Deep Learning with Keras 30 Apr 2017 • Piotr Migdał • [machine-learning] [deep-learning] [overview] I teach deep learning both for a liv…
Introduction This tutorial will take you through setting up an rsync daemon on your Linux server. You might want an rsync daemon if you have files that you want available so anyone (or just yourself) can download existing files or upload new files. T…
Introduction This tutorial will show you how to set up a TLS/SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt on an Ubuntu 14.04 server running Apache as a web server. We will also cover how to automate the certificate renewal process using a cron job. SSL certifi…
Introduction This tutorial contains screenshots for the English version of Windows 10. Separate instructions for older versions of Windows are also available: Windows 8. Windows 7. Windows Vista. Windows 2000/XP. To be able to mount a Windows share o…
原地址 Introduction This article is a continuation of my IMU Guide, covering additional orientation kinematics topics. I will go through some theory first and then I will present a practical example with code bui…
Netty Tutorial, Part 1: Introduction to Netty Update:  Part 1.5 Has Been Published: Netty Tutorial Part 1.5: On Channel Handlers and Channel Options From the Netty web site: "Netty is a NIO client server framework which enables quick and easy develop…
Jupyter Notebook Tutorial: Introduction, Setup, and Walkthrough YouTube 2016年9月22日发布 If you enjoy these videos and would like to support my channel, I would greatly appreciate any assistance through my Patr…