While R's base graphics library is almost limitlessly flexible when it comes to create static graphics and data visualizations, new Web-based technologies like d3 and webgl open up new horizons in high-resolution, rescalable and interactive charts. G…
modern.IE 是微软推出的一个开发人员中心,提供免费的工具和资源,旨在使您能够花更少的时间来测试各种版本的 Internet Explorer,并留出更多时间在现代 Web 上构建重要的内容.modern.IE 在支持旧版 IE 的同时,可使您更加轻松地利用 Web 标准(例如 HTML5 和 CSS3)构建创新体验,从而帮助推动 Web 的发展. 您可能感兴趣的相关文章 2013年最受欢迎的10篇前端开发博文 小伙伴们惊呆了!8个超炫的 Web 效果 35个让人惊讶的 CSS3 动画效果…
Ubuntu Manpage: ajaxterm - Web based terminal written in python hardy (1) ajaxterm.1.gz Provided by: ajaxterm_0.10-1_all NAME ajaxterm - Web based terminal written in python DESCRITPION ajaxterm is a web based terminal written in python and some AJAX…
Stephen Smith's Blog All things Sage 300… The Road to TensorFlow – Part 7: Finally Some Code leave a comment » Introduction Well after a long journey through Linux, Python, Python Libraries, the Stock Market, an Introduction to Neural Networks and tr…
Shiny是什么东东? 官方描述: Shiny is an R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R. You can host standalone apps on a webpage or embed them in R Markdown documents or build dashboards. You can also extend your Shiny apps with CS…
Chart对于任何应用来说都是不可或缺的一部分,hybrid app也是如此. 先罗列一下有哪些可用的Chart library: D3.JS -- Data-Driven Documents,BSD license. D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3’s empha…
Isomorphic JavaScript: The Future of Web Apps At Airbnb, we’ve learned a lot over the past few years while building rich web experiences. We dove into the single-page app world in 2011 with our mobile web site, and have since launched Wish Lists and…
7 Tools for Data Visualization in R, Python, and Julia Last week, some examples of creating visualizations with htmlwidgets and R were presented. Fortunately, there are many more options available for creating nice visualizations. Tools and libraries…
1. EASYUI http://www.jeasyui.com/ [INTRODUCTION] jQuery EasyUI framework helps you build your web pages easily. easyui is a collection of user-interface plugin based on jQuery. easyui provides essential functionality for building modern, int…
结合实际的工作环境,在开始R研究的时候,首先着手收集的就是能以Web方式发布R运行结果的基础框架,无耐的是,R一直以来常使用于个人电脑的客户端程序上,大家习惯性的下载R安装包,在自己的电脑上安装 --> 写算法 --> 运行 --> 以贴图或者文档的形式发表自己的作品.花了较长时间,终于找着了一套框架基本满足要求,即FastRWeb (Fast Interactive Web Framework for Data Mining Using R),参考 (http://www.rforge…
Responsive Web Design is regarded as being the approach which suggests that web design and development should respond to the end-user’s behavior and environment based on their screen size, platform and orientation. Responsiveness consists of a mix of…
Drupal与大型网站架构(译)- Large-Scale Web Site Infrastructure and Drupal Linuxjournal 网站经典文章翻译,原文地址: Large-Scale Web Site Infrastructure and Drupal,由于主要按照内容翻译,非逐字翻译,不妥之处,请参考原文阅读. 时至今日,架设一个drupal网站已经是非常容易的了,直到网站规模开始变大, 那么你就需要花费很大的精力在查找和修复网站性能瓶颈上面.本文我们将谈到一些技术可…
It has been possible for some years to launch a web map from within R. A number of packages for doing this are available, including: RgoogleMaps, an interface to the Google Maps api leafletR, an early package for creating Leaflet maps with R rCharts,…
Jay & I cover dashboards in Chapter 10 of Data-Driven Security (the book) but have barely mentioned them on the blog. That’s about to change with a new series on building dashboards using the all-new shinydashboard framework developed by RStudio. Whi…
R Projects Similar to Python, when we installed the data science tools we get an “R” section in our templates. If you go there you’ll see something like this: Only one template to choose from, but that’s ok! That is all we need. R Interactive Just li…
BACKGROUND The following disclosure relates to a method and system for enabling a user to browse physical things using a rich user interface (UI) via a web browser in Internet of Things (IoT) such that an end user has rich experience. Internet of Thi…
Building Web Apps with SignalR, Part 1 In the first installment of app-building with SignalR, learn how to build a real-time chat application. By Eric Vogel 01/22/2013 GET CODE DOWNLOAD More on this topic: Building a Chat Web App with Signal R, Part…
Usually when I create slide decks these days I used markdown and slidy. However, I recently was asked to present using an existing Revolution Microsoft PowerPoint template. Trouble is, I’ve been spoilt with the advantages of using a HTML-based prese…